Does anyone know what is causing this?


Super Skunk
Two week old grow
Closet 2' x 3' area White painted walls
50/50 mix of Earthgro Potting Soil / Nurture Naturally Garden Compost
2 gallon Plant pot,
Promotion TaoTronics® TT-GL14 80*3W 6 Bands Led Grow Light 12 inches from Plant,
18 hrs on 6hrs off
Decent ventilation, no fan
PH'ed water @ 6.5ph
Have not started nutrients yet but will start later this week with
Dyna-Gro DYFOL008 Foliage Pro at 1/2 the recommended strength
every other time I water, at this point I water every other day.

I noticed the tip on one leaf was starting to discolor and shrink, I just transplanted from Dixi cup
about 3 days ago and noticed it about two days later. I have another plant (not sure of the strain)
that is smaller and does not appear to be showing any signs that things are not OK.

Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
I think you might be watering excessively for such a small plant in a room that is only passively ventilated, though its kind of hard to gauge the actual size the way you've got the photo set up. Super Skunk is a pretty hardy strain and is very tolerant of adverse conditions and over feeding and based on the fact that your are not feeding.

You might also try raising your light another foot or so.


Looks like the beginning of heat stress to me. And, I agree, you are watering too much. Wait until the soil starts to pull away from the side of the container and the soil feels dry all the way to your middle knuckle. (Frankly, I no longer even do the knuckle test. I just wait for the soil to retract from the sides, and I've never had a water issue.)

Also, if you are only 2 weeks into a new soil grow, you don't need to feed yet. Your soil will feed sufficiently for at least 2 more weeks, so long as you don't flush out all of the nutrients with too much water!

Btw, how in the hell did you take that pic?


Well-Known Member
Heat damage can take a few days to show up and then the leaf just gets worse looking. At some point your closet got to hot and lack of air flow no bueno


Your soil is too hot, I'd water it down with something. There is too much compost in it.
If the soil were "hot" then he wouldn't have gotten this far. His initial growth would've been f'd up. With the exception of the slight heat stress, the lil' plant looks very healthy.

Just for the sake of discussion: How do you "water down" hot soil? Don't you have to re-mix it? I haven't heard of this before, but I'm always open to learning!