Hi people, I've just started my first ever grow, which is currently 1 Week and 1 day into an 18/6 vegative cycle. I've got 28 plants under two 600 watt HPS lights, which are hanging about 18 inches above the plants. My temperature is usually around 80-85, humidity is around 40-50%, oh and its a soil set up. I use Canna Terra Vega to feed them, following the guide lines on the bottle. The last couple of days the leaves on at least 5 of the plants have been curling up at the end and im not sure why..???? So any feedback would be much appreciated.. I've taken some pictures of the problem leaves and of the other plants, because im not sure how they should be looking at this stage, so if you could have a look through the pictures and help me with the problems and just give me any advice/thoughts on the other plants i'd really be gratefull...........