Does anyone know what mold looks like under a 60x microscope?


Well-Known Member
I saw a tiny white splotch on one of my buds. I then looked at them under the microscope to see that they had tiny strings that were over most of my buds. I cant see anything without the microscope though besides that one tiny speck of a patch I noticed on one piece.

I've got them sitting out now getting crispy. What's the best thing to do for this? Throw it all away, bake it, water cure it, continue drying? AGH!


Scientia Cannabis
If you do have mold the best solution is to water cure (if you want to save the bud).
However it's not that easy and mistakes can happen.

Otherwise I would just recommend throwing the buds away.
Do not under any circumstances dry & cure moldy bud the regular way and then ingest / smoke it, you can get really sick.


Well-Known Member
i saved a whole crop that got mold by chopping freezing baking in the oven at 180 for 30 min or untill crispy then bho'ed it

Mr.Therapy Man 2

Active Member
It depends on how bad you have it bro,if you have it you will have to get a dehumidfier and get your enviormental conditions corrected.(high humidity ,colds temmps at night and hot dureing the day helps breed it also)What you have is not mold its PM(powdery mildew and its spreading spores as I type here.I had to get a sulfer burner and bleach my room in between ever flower cycle.I had been in the same room for over 5 years when it showed up in my room.It is fixable problem if you get some one to help you thats dealt with it before.How far into flower are you bro?Your PM can be seen under your trich scope to tell just how bad you have it,if you have it bad it starts to cover the leaves with white powder.PM me bro if I can help!!!!peace


Well-Known Member
They're actually curing. I let them dried out basically to the point of overdried. What does powdery mildew live off of? Moisture, and humidity? Like I said they're pretty crispy now so hopefully I stopped it. I just guess I have to do something new with the bud though... ugh. I dont know. Totally blows.


Well-Known Member
They're actually curing. I let them dried out basically to the point of overdried. What does powdery mildew live off of? Moisture, and humidity? Like I said they're pretty crispy now so hopefully I stopped it. I just guess I have to do something new with the bud though... ugh. I dont know. Totally blows.
I'm pretty sure that the powdery mildew that grows on living plants is different than the mold that grows on improperly stored buds.


Well-Known Member
I didn't have any mold spores before the day before yesterday. At least not whenever I harvested, or started my dry, or cure. It popped up within a couple days ago. I have a scope. Not all is lost I'm using Isopropyl alcohol to extract, and make oil. Evaporating now.


Active Member
cool, I want to try that method. A friend of mine used a crock pot (slow cooker) with a half or whole brick of un salted butter and all the shake or bud. They slow cooked it for a while and put it through a sieve and then baked cookies.


Well-Known Member
you could try soaking the buds in 8oz of H202 mixed with 4-5 gallons of room temp water. that stuff will kill the mildew and release it into the water where it floats on top. You'll see a white film or clumps and you can either pour it off or absorb it with a sponge or something like that. Then you can rinse off the buds with tap water under minimal pressure to make sure it rinsed all the crap off. After that give it some time in front of a fan t dry back out then cure it as you would normally do.