does anyone know what this strain is?


Active Member
looks like Norther lights. The same texture and color, but it looks short and the buds are a little less dense. Maybe some double buble? It's hard to tell unless we are there to sample.

Brick Top

New Member
Bricktop not only has a personality guaranteed to make people feel they've been insulted...He likes to steal smart little phrases from T.V. shows and movies.I for one am not impressed by you.
You sir are a snob.My opinion.

No matter how hard I could possibly try I could not begin to care less if anyone here is ever impressed by me or not, or even likes me or not. The opinions of strangers is not even important enough to me for it to be something for me to even wonder about let alone be concerned about.
The only thing I do care about is sharing accurate information gleaned through 37 years of growing experience, a massive amount of reading, what I have learned by being part owner of a pot in pot nursery that with this seasons expansion now covers about 15 to 16 acres with thousands of trees and bushes and the information I have picked from the brains of four of my family members with degrees in botany.
I have been a member of numerous herb growing sites over the years, three of them at the moment, and on a daily basis I repeatedly read absolutely horrible advice given that ranges anywhere from being 100% inaccurate to be partially accurate but still inaccurate enough to not have been worth passing on. The few completely accurate messages I read are more scare than teeth at a redneck backyard barbecue.
No one will ever catch me claiming to know everything because even with all I know there is still more to learn and there are types of growing that I have never made any attempt at, like hydro/aero, and I would never begin to advise anyone in such areas unless is were something that was general plant information in nature that would apply to any type of growing.
But I do know more than most and if you or anyone else wishes to consider me to be a snob because I am not shy to admit that then by all means go right ahead and think and say what you wish.

I really do not care because the way I see it the massive amount of ignorance that pervades sites like this and the imbeciles who claim things like boiling the roots of harvested plants will force THC up through the roots and into the buds increasing potency, yes there was a long lived thread here where people claimed that to be fact, somewhat balances things out.
It is not my fault that when compared to most people who hang around on herb sites like this I look like Steven Hawking on a ginkgo biloba drip.

Brick Top

New Member
well i was right ...i guess its the computer he sits in front of its like its a body guard and now i sit he just asking stupid stoner questions just like alot of others ...i feel i have good strains and i just wanted others to see them maybe they know something about what they see

You could not be more wrong about my computer being some sort of bodyguard that allows me to say the things I do. I am and always have spoken in person the same way I write online and the reason I have stuck with it for oh so very many years is it works very well for me.
Someone my not like me but they can always be assured of several things. They will always know where they stand with me and I will always tell it like it is and not like it ‘ain’t’ and it ‘ain’t’ never ‘gonna’ be, like far, far, FAR too many people on sites like this do.
You do realize that you did misrepresent why you started this thread and what you actually did or asked. Above you said, "i feel i have good strains and i just wanted others to see them maybe they know something about what they see" but the title to your thread is, "does anyone know what this strain is?"

You did not say something like hey look everyone, I think I have something really special here, take a look because I think it is really impressive and really want to share its impressiveness with all of you, what do you think, by the way might any of you have any ideas about what it might possibly be? You simply asked, "does anyone know what this strain is?"
You also said that you, "just collect clones from other medical growers." Did it ever occur to you to ask them what you receive from them? Did it dawn on you that it might possibly be more profitable to you to contact them or others you know who received the same clones and ask them what you had received rather than ask people who could never in a million years even begin to get close to being capable of giving you an answer with anything half close to a reasonable degree of accuracy?
Evidently your mind is just too highly trained be capable of such a thought process that is so unimaginably simple.

Regardless, the best of luck and I hope the final results of your efforts far exceed your wildest hopes and dreams.


Well-Known Member
i been growing some we call AMISH SUGAR looks just like that (have pictures posted in past threads) thats some nice looking shit there guy good job!!
Nice looking grow man. Like you already know, the closest you can get to knowing is by determining whether it is sativa or indica, (it looks more sativa dominant to me). Also, after you smoke it, let us know what you think!

As far as Brick Top goes, it's interesting to see someone go so far out of their way to be a dick. Just make your point without being a jerk to someone asking a question. I know it wasn't the smartest of questions, but do you really need to work so long and hard to make such unhelpful comments?

Try to be more supportive and kind bro, everyone started somewhere, so did you. I'm willing to bet my Trainwreck that you have not only asked a few dumb questions in your lifetime, but have also dome some not-so-smart things. That's because EVERYONE does.

And please don't type up a long, "witty" as you call it, response. We know you have the time, we however don't. I'd rather read a short, kind, helpful answer than a long winded rant about why you think you're so amazing.

Not trying to be wordy, that just really seemed so immature of you, a old head, to make someone else feel like they shouldn't even be on this forum. That's what this forum is for, learning. You can't teach when you talk down like that.



Well-Known Member
Nice looking grow man. Like you already know, the closest you can get to knowing is by determining whether it is sativa or indica, (it looks more sativa dominant to me). Also, after you smoke it, let us know what you think!

As far as Brick Top goes, it's interesting to see someone go so far out of their way to be a dick. Just make your point without being a jerk to someone asking a question. I know it wasn't the smartest of questions, but do you really need to work so long and hard to make such unhelpful comments?

Try to be more supportive and kind bro, everyone started somewhere, so did you. I'm willing to bet my Trainwreck that you have not only asked a few dumb questions in your lifetime, but have also dome some not-so-smart things. That's because EVERYONE does.

And please don't type up a long, "witty" as you call it, response. We know you have the time, we however don't. I'd rather read a short, kind, helpful answer than a long winded rant about why you think you're so amazing.

Not trying to be wordy, that just really seemed so immature of you, a old head, to make someone else feel like they shouldn't even be on this forum. That's what this forum is for, learning. You can't teach when you talk down like that.

great advice from a head strong guy .....i am growing the same ouside and its got over 120 tops 7 feet tall and is still growing everyday....check out my thread in outdoor growing
Headed there right now man, that sounds amazing though.

Be good.

*Edit -

Ok, call me lazy or unobservant, but I can't seem to find your thread. Mind throwing me a link?



New Member
The description of taste and smell as well as the general look of the bud is pretty similar to my purple erkels however mines an indica and not so heavy on the yield :/


Well-Known Member
No matter how hard I could possibly try I could not begin to care less if anyone here is ever impressed by me or not, or even likes me or not. The opinions of strangers is not even important enough to me for it to be something for me to even wonder about let alone be concerned about.   The only thing I do care about is sharing accurate information gleaned through 37 years of growing experience, a massive amount of reading, what I have learned by being part owner of a pot in pot nursery that with this seasons expansion now covers about 15 to 16 acres with thousands of trees and bushes and the information I have picked from the brains of four of my family members with degrees in botany.   I have been a member of numerous herb growing sites over the years, three of them at the moment, and on a daily basis I repeatedly read absolutely horrible advice given that ranges anywhere from being 100% inaccurate to be partially accurate but still inaccurate enough to not have been worth passing on. The few completely accurate messages I read are more scare than teeth at a redneck backyard barbecue.   No one will ever catch me claiming to know everything because even with all I know there is still more to learn and there are types of growing that I have never made any attempt at, like hydro/aero, and I would never begin to advise anyone in such areas unless is were something that was general plant information in nature that would apply to any type of growing.   But I do know more than most and if you or anyone else wishes to consider me to be a snob because I am not shy to admit that then by all means go right ahead and think and say what you wish. I really do not care because the way I see it the massive amount of ignorance that pervades sites like this and the imbeciles who claim things like boiling the roots of harvested plants will force THC up through the roots and into the buds increasing potency, yes there was a long lived thread here where people claimed that to be fact, somewhat balances things out.   It is not my fault that when compared to most people who hang around on herb sites like this I look like Steven Hawking on a ginkgo biloba drip.
Bricktop, Your knowledge intrigues me...maybe you can help me out and hop over to my post about my problem child plant...... Hempy Help ......tried epsom salts, but dont know what the problem is. I'd appreciate your help


Well-Known Member
Give me a few moments and I will get back to you. I need to consult my Ouija Board, Tarot Cards, Crystal Ball and my Magic 8-Ball to be positive.
Be sure to hold your breath while waiting for a totally accurate response …. I will of course then direct my response to Mr. Blue.

With over 2,000 known strains of marijuana plus all the unknown hobby/basement breeder created strains plus all the accidental crosses made by both man and nature asking anyone what something you are growing is, is like asking them precisely where in the world the next lightning bolt will strike.

Why in the wide, wide world of sports does this same question get asked almost daily on almost every site like this?
Man, a guy asks a simple question. If you can't give him a straight answer then don't answer. If you're sick of people posting these sort of questions don't read the post, dont reply AND stop visiting RIU. If I were a mod I'd have had you banned long ago because you really contribute nothing. All your other posts I see are just cut and pastes of things you've posted before.

Let me sum up what I'm trying to say to you:

Brick Top, you are a waste of sperm!
Wow brick top, I would expect someone of your age and wisdom to be less douche baggy. Nothing worst than the old man telling strangers how awesome he is.


Well-Known Member
Wow brick top, I would expect someone of your age and wisdom to be less douche baggy. Nothing worst than the old man telling strangers how awesome he is.
this is great now that guy has some i just picked up some jack the ripper and will have pics up shortyly its some fine smoke