Does anyone miss the 'Like' button?


Well-Known Member
a moderator telling me to post some tits isnt that againts the rules? ok not im REALLy going to get a swig and a beer.


Well-Known Member
I didn't like it to begin with, but I got used to it. Then I grew to really like it. Alas, now it's gone. Do you miss it, too?

And what was up with RIU being offline for so long?
yes i miss it, now everyone will have to quote everything and pray the person sees the responce...good luck...C more people say fuck it


Well-Known Member
So is this all they did?(Adding this orange button and taking away likes)
That's all I've noticed!

... And it's extremely frustrating...

You can't just drop a bomb like this, you gotta ease your way in.

I'm hurt.


Well-Known Member
lol I remember everyone was pissed about the likes saying it makes it to much like facebook and shit.