does anyone still clone in soil???


Active Member
looking to clone some mothers and didnt want any fancy shmancy cloning machine. any suggestions greatly appreciated


Active Member
get one of thoes packs of 72 cells, green house tray with dome, rooting gel or powder when you take the clones and if your taken alot of them have a thing of water to put them in right away.

There are a few methods people use.
1 - Find the good top growth, go down about 2 to 3 nodes cut it just above the 3rd node take the lower 2 nodes off dip in rooting agent and plant in soil.
2 - take a cloe that has about 2 to 3 inches below the new growth (try to get the fresh stuff that has small leafs) dip and plant.
3 - Do #2 but strip the outter layer of skin off and dip or do that but cut the bottom to encourage more rooting areas.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I use 24oz plastic cups of Fox Farm Light Warrior under a humidity dome. Just had a sleestack x skunk clone that was 3 weeks into flower root in 5 days.

I use cheap rooting hormone from lowes. I try to find the lowest possible branch to clone.


Active Member
you can pick up seedling/clone soil thing for around $5 to $7 at most and that can easly do at least 3 of 72 cells so for cloning you can spend just spend around $10 to $15 for cloning in soil


Active Member
thank you for all the responces. i had some rooting gel already. i havent grown in over 10 years so i needed some refreshers. i took some clones as suggested. i had some fox farm seedling soil so i used that and put them in a humidity dome. is it necessary to spray the leaves with phd water? if so what ph should the water be?


Active Member
thank you for all the responces. i had some rooting gel already. i havent grown in over 10 years so i needed some refreshers. i took some clones as suggested. i had some fox farm seedling soil so i used that and put them in a humidity dome. is it necessary to spray the leaves with phd water? if so what ph should the water be?
I don't think PHed water matters for that but it does for watering but you mist the clones and the dome to keep the humid up. Some people mist the clones and plants when ever the dome is dry

The Potologist

Active Member
I have always used Fox Farm Light Warrior as a medium when cloning. I have had great success, with rooting percentages around 90% +. I use Advanced Nutrients Jump Start for clones as well as a
cloning gel. I also use distilled/ de-ionized H20. Hope this helps, and good luck. Bongs Away.


New Member
I get 90% as well with straight soil and off the shelf powder for 5 bucks.

Weed is one of the easiest plants to propagate from cuttings.


Well-Known Member
Even with "hard to clone" cuts they will work in soil like this: use a light soil in a beer cup, take your cut just taller than the cup, cut off all but the top knot of leaves and insert so the cut end touches the bottom. water. of course use sterile techniques etc. you won't even need a humidity dome if you keep them in moderate light.


New Member
If you can't get weed cuttings to can't get any plant to live. It's by far the easiest plant I have ever worked with.

Here is a pic of 2 day old cuttings, literally JAMMED into the soil about 2 inches. I used some generic powder, although I have done it without any at all before. I just put them in partial shade and mist them every now and again. It's just that simple.



bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
I have a 66% cloning rate w/ no hormones and in mirical grow potting soil. granted ive only tried 3 haha. but 2 of them survived and the one that died started to droop about an hour after the t-plant.

i recomend liquid rather than gel. ( i think it spreads evenly and can also be absorbed right away. cut the clones trim 2 levels of internodes from the base of the clone, scrape away some "skin" or stem, dip in root hormone/water solution and stick in the dirt.

i use a toothpick to make the hole then push the stem in a little deeper as to make sure the bottom has dirt touching all around it (air pockets and empty space around the stem is bad.) keep moist but not super wet.

i let them veg in the solo cup for about 3-4 weeks then transplant.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
i have a strain that is very resistant to soil cloning-
typically 2 weeks until root, i scrape the roots cut and use gel
but i have never used light warrior i will have to give that a try, for some reason my local shop doesn't ahve much in the line of light soils, lots of pumps and hose though


Active Member
Make sure not to overwet your soil too, after a few days let it start drying out some. Encourages the roots to seek water.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
as long as the medium or soil is free of food and or Nitrogen---the food keeps the leaves going and you want the roots to start not the leaves to keep going that is why it would be best to cut the leaves in half to let her know "wrong way -- go root instead"

