Does anyone switch up their ph numbers?


Well-Known Member
Anyone water one time with say 6.3, and then the next time do 6.8 or something like that? If so let us know what you do. If you just water with the same every time let us know what that is also. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
i go by colour test strips. i make sure its acidic yellow. 6-6.5 range. I also use a soil buffer. dolomite lime. so that raises my ph always to around 7 before the next watering. I find this helps with uptake of many different nutrients. when it fluctuates SLIGHTY (keyword slightly). so after the watering, it takes up more micro-nutes. and when the dolomite kicks it up to 7 (doesnt take long_ it uptakes more basic nutrients. helps with deficiency issues. so my soil ph ranges from 6.5-7 for optimal uptake.

6.8 is the magic SOIL number.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I do hydro, but I do let my PH drift between 5.5 and 6. I used to be anal about 5.5 all the time, but have found that drifting prevents lockups and is less maintenance. I don't see why a little drift in soil would be a bad thing.


Well-Known Member
I use some shit called ProMix HP. I would call it soil with a lot of perlite

5.5-6 during veg and the first two weeks of flower then drift up to 6.2-6.5 during the last 45 days of flower..the highr the # the more bloom ferts it uses the lower the number the more nitrogen they least thats they way I understand it.

New Grower 420

Active Member
ive never actully thought about this. at first i was like ahh thats stupid why would you do that? then i got to thinkin diffrent lvls of ph take up diffrent nutes so it would be a good thing to do. im guna have to look more into doing this my next grow it could be a very good thing with slight drifts.


Well-Known Member
Soilless 6.2-6.4
soil 6.5
hydro 5.8
Check your run off. Remember its not the ph of the water. Its the ph of the medium. Find out what your medium ph.
Aim for 6.3 in pro mix. My runoff is usualy around 6.1 Just keep it in the range. Soilless is fine 6.0-6.5


Well-Known Member
with my hydro setup i keep it between 6.1 and 5.3. the dirt plants get whatever comes out of the tap. if you are using a good quality garden soil mix you don't need to worry about ph. if your tap water is safe enough for human consumption, it's good enough to grow a weed.


I started adding garden lime in flower. I have a thread. My PH was like 5 for soil. I added 3 tblspns garden lime and back around 6.0 5 days later. 1 more tblspn with RO and steady with 6.2-6.5/. Keep that soil around there bro