Does anyone think the world is going downhill?


Well-Known Member
I'm only 20 but back in the day, when I was 6-10 I'd bike everywhere.

My bike was my life, every kid on the street used to bike all over the place and we'd mess around, waiting for that loud shout that would echo through the streets "DINNERS READY" We'd all rush home, quickly eat our dinner, down a few glasses of water and be gone again until it got dark. Then we'd come in, have a bath and sleep..well watch Xena and Hercules and THEN sleep.

Did your parents ever say to you "come in when it gets dark" ???

Parents let their kids out nowadays and they either come back battered and bruised or they come back with some other kids stolen bike/phone/money/etc.

I know a 14 year old lad who carries what they call a "grimey tool*" around his neck on some washing line. He caves in peoples heads all the time because the people he hangs around with find it funny to watch him beat the living shit out of ANYONE.

When a kid steps to you nowadays, you can't beat them down and have no repercussions like back in the day.

You slap a kid about whos being mouthy in the 1920s and he'd shut the fuck up and learn a lesson.

You slap a kid about whos being mouthy in 2009 and he'll either shank you with a grimey tool* or get 15 lads to come and kick the living shit out of you within a matter of minutes.

This is what happens DAILY to hundreds and hundreds of normal hard working people.

I blame all those stupid fucking rappers like 50 cent and lil wayne who rap about money, women and fighting/gangs.

It's cool to beat the shit out of someone and steal their possession nowadays.

Only way I can see any of this being stopped is to cull the dump fucking parents who raise such disgusting humans with no morals or teach them right from wrong.

Today I saw a woman slapping her child -must have been no older than 5- in the face very hard and literally screaming in the boys face "you dirty fucking cunt" because the kid had picked its nose and asked for a tissue.

What kind of role model is that?

Kill the disgusting parents who create the disgusting children, who then go on to become the disgusting parents..

*A grimey tool is anything that can be used to bash the fuck out of someone. i.e. broom handle/metal pole/rusty piece of metal etc, you get the point.


Arrid, that is exactly what I am getting at. These kids are so stupid they dont even realise it. A few months ago I set this kid straight for calling me a racist name. I didn't touch him or anythnig but I think he felt embarassed because his friends were there but honestly I didn't care.

What happens a few months later? Theres a massive party that I just so happen to turn up to. His crew have been stirring up what I did to him, and apparently went as far as to tell people I disrespected their friend who died at around the time I set him straight for being rasict. I end up getting jumped by 3 drunk people, bruises, fractures in my face, massive dents in my car and a blow to my ego. You can't even look at kids wrong sideways these days.


Well-Known Member
Arrid, that is exactly what I am getting at. These kids are so stupid they dont even realise it. A few months ago I set this kid straight for calling me a racist name. I didn't touch him or anythnig but I think he felt embarassed because his friends were there but honestly I didn't care.

What happens a few months later? Theres a massive party that I just so happen to turn up to. His crew have been stirring up what I did to him, and apparently went as far as to tell people I disrespected their friend who died at around the time I set him straight for being rasict. I end up getting jumped by 3 drunk people, bruises, fractures in my face, massive dents in my car and a blow to my ego. You can't even look at kids wrong sideways these days.
I believe it was the animated Boondocks series that had the analogy along the lines of:

"I didn't tell you guys because I wanted to handle my shit like a man..."

"What!? The whole reason I HAVE a crew is so I don't HAVE to handle shit like a man!!"

Sad, but true.


Active Member
Things definately have changed.

You never really heard about child molesters back when I was a child. It was safe to go around by yourself, walk back and forth from school, bike around... and now, I wouldnt let my child do anything like that.


Well-Known Member
yes, i agree too.... from my eyes, its sad to say but i think the world is f'ed. The Government is corrupt, The people are Dumb as shit, and society is all screwed up just as you have stated. The few good people in the world can only do so much...i think about this alot actually but all i know is i can do my best and thats it, you cant change the world by yourself. If people will finally wake up, Take their head outta the sand and make a change maybe there is hope, But by now The people have allowed the government to put us in a chokehold, and from there everything crumbles...


New Member
obama took the house...of course its going downhill, imho pretty much all of his decisions so far have been pretty shitty, and laughing at the matter of legalizing weed to help the economy....fuck him


Active Member
im 17 growing up in these times and your right. kids dont give a shit about anything anymore. they steal, kill, do coke and pills everyday, and think its cool to be in a gang, even in the small town i live in. luckily for me i raised with moral and values instilled by grandparents and mother. the world is going to hell and will keep going if something isnt done to stop it. but the problem with that is that parents are too busy with theyre problems and kids dont give a shit. its left to the few educated and upright people left in society to resolve our problems.


Well-Known Member
im 17 growing up in these times and your right. kids dont give a shit about anything anymore. they steal, kill, do coke and pills everyday, and think its cool to be in a gang, even in the small town i live in. luckily for me i raised with moral and values instilled by grandparents and mother. the world is going to hell and will keep going if something isnt done to stop it. but the problem with that is that parents are too busy with theyre problems and kids dont give a shit. its left to the few educated and upright people left in society to resolve our problems.
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