Does anyone veg with 14/10


Well-Known Member
I meant the link the previous poster put up saying that the 12, 5.5, 1, 5.5 cycle causes herms, which it will once you have been flowering and the plants sex shows, but as a veg cycle it works and wont put your plants into flower mode!
The 12, 5.5, 1, 5.5 light schedule was never meant for vegging... If you did start from seed with that schedule your plants would show sex in 3-4 weeks and hermie... I mean if you were going to do that you might as well do 13/11 and not stress your plants.


Well-Known Member
Actually buddy yea it was made for vegging. Then when you flip to flower the technique calls for 2 weeks on 12/12 then drop a half off per week until it's down to 10/14. It's called the gas lantern technique. As far as counting from sex pistols for flower date, I kinda ignore it. My strain without any inducers normally takes 3 weeks to show signs of sex unless induced with co2 and flower nutes.


Well-Known Member
Also it's actually more of an industrial way of growing, your yield is alittle under because of the cycle. But your able to shave off a week off flower time also. So if your electrical cost + nutes = is greater then the last weeks amount of product added to your plants in the last week you might as well harvest anyways. For example my electrical bill just for 2x1000 is about 220$ plus about 17$ per week in nutes. So basically in the last week if im not pulling the extra 4 oz in my 10th week then I'll harvest at the end of week 9 with the gas lamp technique. It also has to do with tricome production and ripeness. For my strain, I can pull anywhere between mid week 9 and 12 weeks, I just choose to wait till end of week 10 because this is when production slows down dramatically and it's ripe enough to pick. Idk if that makes sense to anyone else. Lol


Well-Known Member
Makes perfect sense, I was just trying to fish out that link you provided in another thread about the Gas Lantern light schedule.

Found something else instead.

The 12, 5.5, 1, 5.5 light schedule was never meant for vegging... If you did start from seed with that schedule your plants would show sex in 3-4 weeks and hermie... I mean if you were going to do that you might as well do 13/11 and not stress your plants.
Take a read of this: it's not too long but it explains the cycle perfectly. It's actually been around for a very long time. If your still not convinced it's a perfectly viable veg cycle... We'll just call it closed mindedness :)

This is the main bit from it though the whole thing is a good read....


The Gas Lantern Routine

This information will seem quite revolutionary to growers who have been using the standard cycles to produce cannabis, seemingly with little or no trouble at all. Actually, in a grow that more closely mimics the outdoor growing environment under indoor lighting conditions, the plants may be maintained in vegetative cycle using only a total of 13 hours of light daily, which dramatically reduces the cost of production.

The less is more approach of the Gas Lantern Routine provides the growing plant with adequate darkness to promote health, and by inserting a full hour of light in the center of the dark period, the plants are tricked, and neither flower nor express hermaphrodites. The growing plants get more than the average amount of rest, thus reducing stress, and improving plant yield, overall performance, and medicinal quality.


Peace and Stay Frosty!


Well-Known Member
I have it on good authority that anything longer than 14 hours is pretty much a waste of electricity, as mj cannot process it to the same benefit. So I now veg 14/10. For flower I cut it to 12/12 for ~ 7 days then drop to 11/13 . Running 12/12 either from veg or from flower is snending mixed signals to the plant. Can you grow this way? Clearly, BUT, what are you leaving on the table?

A beneficial trick is to run a bit of IR after lights out for < 30 minutes. This causes the plant to continue its grow cycle longer

Thanks for the link to the 12/1. I am curious what kind of timer is needed


Well-Known Member
i have seen some posts about tropical sativa's veg cycle being closer to 14/10 than the standard 16/8
so there may be some genetics that might prefer this shorter veg time