Makes perfect sense, I was just trying to fish out that link you provided in another thread about the Gas Lantern light schedule.
Found something else instead.
The 12, 5.5, 1, 5.5 light schedule was never meant for vegging... If you did start from seed with that schedule your plants would show sex in 3-4 weeks and hermie... I mean if you were going to do that you might as well do 13/11 and not stress your plants.
Take a read of this: it's not too long but it explains the cycle perfectly. It's actually been around for a very long time. If your still not convinced it's a perfectly viable veg cycle... We'll just call it closed mindedness
This is the main bit from it though the whole thing is a good read....
The Gas Lantern Routine
This information will seem quite revolutionary to growers who have been using the standard cycles to produce cannabis, seemingly with little or no trouble at all. Actually, in a grow that more closely mimics the outdoor growing environment under indoor lighting conditions, the plants may be maintained in vegetative cycle using only a total of 13 hours of light daily, which dramatically reduces the cost of production.
The less is more approach of the Gas Lantern Routine provides the growing plant with adequate darkness to promote health, and by inserting a full hour of light in the center of the dark period, the plants are tricked, and neither flower nor express hermaphrodites. The growing plants get more than the average amount of rest, thus reducing stress, and improving plant yield, overall performance, and medicinal quality.
Peace and Stay Frosty!