Does ash color determine flushed/unflushed? - Let me make this REAL simple for you.


Towards the end of my first grow i searched for hours and hours on here trying to figure out, does flushing make a big deal? how can i tell if what i've been smoking was flushed or not? blah blah. So I decided not to flush the plants in the tray and instead i took the first one out, put it in a dark closet roughly 50-60% RH and flushed it there. Wasted my time and noticed absolutely nothing different about that plant from every other I've grown since (I tried it again on my 2nd grow)

At the end of the day, this is what my UNflushed stuff does. Plain and simple.


Nutes are Botanicare pure blend pro.


Active Member
I have always favored "It is all in the cure" myself. Looks like self testing answered your question... :thumbs up:


Nice and to the point- you tried it, documented the result, and made a sound conclusion based on the experience. I like science as much as the next guy, but when people debate things like flushing down to the atomic level, I Jones for real-world examples like this. Thanks!


honestly i've only ever done 2 grows. I'm still trying to get down my drying process with my environment. The proper drying i think is equally as important (maybe moreso) than the curing i'm thinking..