i used to do this when i was like 16 a few times i would use like a little less than a gram of weed and a small ass pinch of tobacco like a 1/10th of a gram and also the papers i used were cigar papers so thats probably like another 1/10th gram tobacco so all together out of a gram to smoke it was like 80% marijuana and even then it wasnt that great i just did it so i could get 2 blunts out of 20$sacks instead of 1 lol like i said i was 16 maybe 15 back then and getting taxed on my weed so thats what drove me to do it,i would never do that now tho id rather just go without weed all together than think i dont have enough and try to make it smoke longer by adding nasty ass tobacco lol if u want a gooooooooooood HIGH WHILE SSMOKING MArIJUANA and u like tobacco quit putting tobaccco in it and start using a cigar to roll blunts it tastes a lot better and isnt so ughhhhm emberasssing(ppl being all like i only had a .5 of bud so i put a .5 tobacco in it )-hahahaha