Does BENDING fan LEAVES promote growth during seedling stage, HELP ?! YAY OR NAY ?

Does BENDING fan LEAVES promote growth during seedling stage, HELP ?! YAY OR NAY ?

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I'll post a forum on nutrients. I have 3 different brands. I'm on day 20. Any schedule you could recommend

Waste or bandwidth, there are many many posts about nutrients allready, no need for more.
Read Read Read b4 u post, those little baby's need to grow up b4 you start messing with them.

here is a post about lighting and some bending tek for you to read, it offers some help but are aimed at auto's.

Here is the hydro growing threads

Hydroponics / Aeroponics | Rollitup
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here are other enthusiastic sticky fingered green growers grow journals, you should start here and search the terms used for bending pruning and other plant manipulation teks and plant maximising stratagies (SCROG, SOG,LST ETC) read and search them

Grow Journals | Rollitup
Grow Journal Discussion Opening a grow journal do not forget to place a link to your grow journal discussion page. All discussions of grow journals will be here.

But just remember, LESS IS MORE.. and above all HAPPY GROWING Rudi
I agree with what most people are saying and that's that it's probably still too young to be messing with like that. I'm trying to keep my hand off of them and last night was the first time they got nutes. The top two were germinated the same day as yours and the bottom three are exactly one week behind. I did however already trim the leaves with one and three points off


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go ahead, keep doing shit to your plants just like in nature...there are whole troops of rabbits that go around the forest flattening cannabis leaves......gtf away and leave them alone. no one else on the entire planet does that....wonder why? guess they haven't figured out your awesome technique...after growing the shit for several thousand years.....STOP IT! just fucking let em grow, ffs. top or fim at the appropriate time, lst, even scrog. the rest of everything you've been doing is useless potentially harmful BULLSHIT
why did you trim leaves on a tiny little plant? thats not a fucking clone, and if it was, you did it at the completely wrong time. the only reason to EVER cut a leaf like that is if you're taking a clone. period. who the fuck is telling you all this shit? kick the motherfucker in the nuts and quit listening to them. they're fucking stupid, and if you keep listening to them, you'll catch it too

you need a third option in your poll
"its completely useless and stupid, and you should be smacked in the head with a large fish if you do it."
Me? Im trying a few different thing. Different sized pots, I'm topping and mainlining two is them, LSTing one, and leaving two alone. Either way I think you should wait until it has decent roots before you start tinkering. Give it another week or 10 days and then get after it
The one with the cut leaves was dropped and the one got busted up bad made the one clean cut and then symmetrically i couldn't take it and cut the other. It has responded better than I thought, you should have seen it a few days ago. I'm surprised it's alive. But to answer your question i consult with a buddy who has grown over 50,000 plants in Cali and he said to do it LOL
no matter how many plants your friend has grown, thats not right. find one other person on this site that would suggest it. when you take a cutting, you sometimes cut the leaves to cut down on both transpiration, and to make the plant focus on growing roots and not leaves. why would you do that to a seedling that has no transpiration problems, and needs to grow leaves AND roots?
no matter how many plants your friend has grown, thats not right. find one other person on this site that would suggest it. when you take a cutting, you sometimes cut the leaves to cut down on both transpiration, and to make the plant focus on growing roots and not leaves. why would you do that to a seedling that has no transpiration problems, and needs to grow leaves AND roots?
I don't know, why are you such a dick? How old are you 19?
And if you read instead of trying to force an argument you would see that I said I dropped it and and the one leaf was almost torn in half so I cut it off then made it symmetric. You're the kind of person that ruins this shit for me. Be kind and helpful not know it all and condescending
I would never take advice from you! Did the ten F bombs help you get your point across? Nope, I stopped reading all your words once you started using that language. If you're that knowledgable which I'm guessing you are not by the way you talk, then you should try and help more instead of cutting people down right out the gate
get a grip on yourself, ware did you get "once you started using that language" from, the space between your ears, err sorry I men't " thin air ".
If you don't wan't advice, Post more clearly about what you have done & why, DATA DATA DATA, The more info you give the clearer the picture you give people and less missunderstanding there will be.

I highly doubt your friend said cut a healthy leaf in half to make it symmetrical, sounds like a bit of OCD lol. No matter, it's not gonna kill it :). And nothing wrong with a little experimentation but typically for a newb it's best to just let nature take its course if trying to max yield. It is only a plant and takin way to serious by some lol.
I highly doubt your friend said cut a healthy leaf in half to make it symmetrical, sounds like a bit of OCD lol. No matter, it's not gonna kill it :). And nothing wrong with a little experimentation but typically for a newb it's best to just let nature take its course if trying to max yield. It is only a plant and takin way to serious by some lol.

Waste or bandwidth, there are many many posts about nutrients allready, no need for more.
Read Read Read b4 u post, those little baby's need to grow up b4 you start messing with them.

here is a post about lighting and some bending tek for you to read, it offers some help but are aimed at auto's.

Here is the hydro growing threads

Hydroponics / Aeroponics | Rollitup
Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. Newer Than: Search this forum only. Display results as threads

here are other enthusiastic sticky fingered green growers grow journals, you should start here and search the terms used for bending pruning and other plant manipulation teks and plant maximising stratagies (SCROG, SOG,LST ETC) read and search them

Grow Journals | Rollitup
Grow Journal Discussion Opening a grow journal do not forget to place a link to your grow journal discussion page. All discussions of grow journals will be here.

But just remember, LESS IS MORE.. and above all HAPPY GROWING Rudi
Thanks for the advice buddy, I never add the recommended amount when using soil to grow my fruits and vegetables. I also never add nutrients during the first 30 - 45 day span of its life. However, considering I'm a newbie with DWC cultivation I'm freely asking questions regarding anything that floats through my mind. I try to ask questions directly in pertinence to what I'd need to know in order to sustain continuous growth. I apologize if it seems I'm not learning from what being advised. However, I can assure you I am. I'm also very thankful for the time you and others take to respond and hope you continue.
I agree with what most people are saying and that's that it's probably still too young to be messing with like that. I'm trying to keep my hand off of them and last night was the first time they got nutes. The top two were germinated the same day as yours and the bottom three are exactly one week behind. I did however already trim the leaves with one and three points off
Yea considering your leaves are larger and seems to be developing at a faster rate is what seems to worry me. If I had more familiarity with cannabis genetics I could determine why this is the case. I am familiar a little with hermaphroditism and autoflowering genetics but not much if anything else as far as genetics. They look great man. Any suggestions that will help promote my leaf growth, maybe it's in my seeds genetics, idk lets talk ?
I agree with what most people are saying and that's that it's probably still too young to be messing with like that. I'm trying to keep my hand off of them and last night was the first time they got nutes. The top two were germinated the same day as yours and the bottom three are exactly one week behind. I did however already trim the leaves with one and three points off
Yes why are you deciding to cut the leaves is this another cannabis specific method being performed for whatever reason. I would like to know please me friend ? again I am on the learning journey....