Does Cannabis make you an anti-social aggressive ?

Does Cannabis personally make your more aggressive

  • Yes you S$#%t F$#%$k Ass$% son of a bitch

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • No I don't think so

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • I'm currently too bake to tell.

    Votes: 2 9.5%

  • Total voters
I know this is going to be a controversial topic but hear me out.

I came to this forum a year or so ago having never smoked in my life (35 years old)l and I was under the impression that pot smokers were the most laid back relaxed people after watching movies and tv etc.. Now I'm a very social person I'm usually the one who organizes car cruises in our club and all the fun stuff we do at work in the office. So safe to say I was completely shocked how aggressive people are in here ! It's unbelievable. I know its a non moderated forum, but I'm apart of a few of them and I have never seen anything close to the Sh#$t that goes on in this group. I don't even check a few sub forums because all they do is fight and bitch.

The more that I think about it, the 3 close friends I do have that have all been smoking for years ( I love them to bits of course) but they all are very anti social and only have 2-3 friends in their life. And generally they are aggressive to other people whether it be at the pub on Fri night or while playing PUBG (online games)

The thing that I guess scared me a little is well that after trying pot for a month or so I don't know if it is just a placebo effect but I found my self wanting to bite back more and people and found that I was getting into more arguments online ?? I've stopped now and haven't smoked in 2 months.

So what are your thoughts guys who are pretty heavy smokers ? I'm not trying to offend anyone as I have also met some really nice people here. Does Cannabis make your more aggressive ? Or do just naturally aggressive people tend to smoke ? Or is it just the same logic as drinking .. it just lowers your inhibitions so all that built up anger you've held down over the years just leaks out a little haha.
When ya smoke ya chill when ya got mine ya pissed off


But still a gay thread

With every post you just prove my theory lol, I left that aussie sub forum DUE to all the aggression lol I even't wrote that in my OP. I put it up here because this is the correct sub forum for this type of question.. I didn't want to actually mention that particular sub forum because I didn't want to piss anyone off.

But it turns out it is just the same across the whole forum which is why I put this post up.
But you keep coming only 2 days ago
A week after you posted this that you left
Ok so how would you reword the question ? I'll change the original post. Because I don't want the stupid kind of replies it was a legitimate question that has been on my mind for the last few months. Because I am the same, I do have a fairly low tolerance for people and the last thing I want to do is make me LESS tolerant. But instead of arguing or fighting I just ignore them cause honestly its not worth the effort to type the words on your keyboard to fight strangers online

I've also got slight Aspergers as well so sometimes I come across as arrogant and assholeish but I am far from it.
You have slight aspergers ?

Is this why you like throwing the word retard around freely ?

You either have aspergers or not there is NO slight aspergers.

Your mum lied to you to give you an excuse for your behaviour.
There are different levels of Aspergers lol I'm not going to argue with you about it you can go look it up.

I throw the word retard around freely because I know I'm not using it as a derogatory term towards actual people with a disability. You get offended by the word retard but not people calling each other every name under the sun ?

Of course I went back, as soon as I realised I could just block all the retards I figured I'd go chat with the normal people in that thread. there are a few.
There are different levels of Aspergers lol I'm not going to argue with you about it you can go look it up.

I throw the word retard around freely because I know I'm not using it as a derogatory term towards actual people with a disability. You get offended by the word retard but not people calling each other every name under the sun ?

Of course I went back, as soon as I realised I could just block all the retards I figured I'd go chat with the normal people in that thread. there are a few.
Fuck off u fucken fuckwit

Whoops there I go again

This is my favorite Comedian, comes across like an asshole but if you actually listened to what he says instead of just getting offended he makes a lot of sense

There's a reason why you guys have no new members who stick around in that Aussie thread, it's because some of you act like a pack of idiots ( I'm not saying you do) but all the ones I've blocked have. But if your happy with just the people that are in there circle jerking each other off and liking each others posts like its a who can be the biggest asshole oylpmics then meh, enjoy yourselves :)

I have never in my life seen a group of people retaliate so aggressively to been asked if they think something is making them more aggressive lol. I've seen some people argue over some dumb stuff in my time, but it would only last a few days and usually only be between 2-3 people.
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There are different levels of Aspergers lol I'm not going to argue with you about it you can go look it up.

I throw the word retard around freely because I know I'm not using it as a derogatory term towards actual people with a disability. You get offended by the word retard but not people calling each other every name under the sun ?

Of course I went back, as soon as I realised I could just block all the retards I figured I'd go chat with the normal people in that thread. there are a few.
Obviously, that's why you ran off to TnT

@ruby fruit are you sure this guy is an Aussie? I have my doubts.
I'm not sure
35 yrs old
Only just started smoking weed
Now wants to stop cos he gets aggressive
Blames the weed
Says he has a level of aspergers
Mild aspergers causes anxiety that is fact

Maybe he's just a real anxious new Zealander?
Possibly he'd be better off with sheep? Interaction with people seems to be an issue.
You want in on the list ? Cause at this point your just arguing for the sake of it. You just said there is no levels of Aspergers and in the next sentence said that Mild Aspergers blah blah..
Level 12345 are levels
Mild aspergers is a form on the line of the autism spectrum
You should know that

I'm not arguing for the sake of it
I'm bored and found this thread of yours and I think it's funny that you have only smoked for a small period of time
Put me on the list of everyone else if you feel the need I won't lose sleep over it

There is a big difference between a weed forum and lone
You need a thick skin here where as at lone fathers you need legal help and advice n support and a big penis then you wouldn't have to be a part of lone fathers to start with
It is a level of Autism yes but it can range from Mild - Severe within its spectrum. But apples and oranges
Nah I won't because I do like reading your chili threads and you have a great sense of humor.
Honestly I have nothing against anyone in the Aussie thread, it's an online forum they can do what ever they like, I just don't bother wasting my time arguing with people about stupid things. Why bother talking to someone who their sole intent is to just try and get to you bite or be offended ?

Trust me I have a thick skin, If I cared about how this post went I would of cried myself to sleep and started a new account and no one would be the wiser. But I stick by everything I say weather it correct or not.
It is a level of Autism yes but it can range from Mild - Severe within its spectrum. But apples and oranges
Nah I won't because I do like reading your chili threads and you have a great sense of humor.
Honestly I have nothing against anyone in the Aussie thread, it's an online forum they can do what ever they like, I just don't bother wasting my time arguing with people about stupid things. Why bother talking to someone who their sole intent is to just try and get to you bite or be offended ?

Trust me I have a thick skin, If I cared about how this post went I would of cried myself to sleep and started a new account and no one would be the wiser. But I stick by everything I say weather it correct or not.
That's a better response than I expected...
I'll take my bait off the hook for now:)
I get why they do it, I do, I've seen the stupid posts and questions that get asked 5 times a day on here.. And 90% of people will bite back and give them some entertainment for a few minutes, but not all newish members are bad even if they don't know as much as the rest of you who have been growing for many years etc, or say something you don't agree with.