does cannabis make you smarter and or younger?


Well-Known Member
I dont know about younger, but kinda makes u forget your aging. Just going day in and day out, and years fly by quick. As for smarter, I will say there is some cannabis that seems to open my mind up and and ignite some creativity, but alot of the time, it just makes me a forgetful space case


Active Member
Well, cannabis numbs the part of your brain that is responsible to solve problems
so yes when your stoned your ideas might seem like a billion dollor idea in reality , your just coming up with crap

dose it make you look younger , Smoking anything lowers the oxygen in your blood. That can affect your skin, mostly causing premature aging

but yes of course it turns you in to a young Einstein and takes 5 years off you :)

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
Well, cannabis numbs the part of your brain that is responsible to solve problems
so yes when your stoned your ideas might seem like a billion dollor idea in reality , your just coming up with crap

dose it make you look younger , Smoking anything lowers the oxygen in your blood. That can affect your skin, mostly causing premature aging

but yes of course it turns you in to a young Einstein and takes 5 years off you :)
Creativity and Inspiration are not crap.


Active Member

  • It actually is a fountain of youth. They use it in Asian cultures till there 100 + they say its the fountain of youth. + there's some biological reasons why too I'd say. If you look it up, marijuana/ thc something actually latches on to estrogen receptors or something like that so thats probably the key..​

yeah i seen that on a programme, there is an old woman aged around 110 yo in good condition for her age and she says its the weed
lmao in most asion country's you get death penalty for any drug


Well-Known Member
I also have a degree in Psychology and studied Psychopharmacology. I really think it's dosage. Of course people think it makes you dumb, because you smoke yourself dumb. Take the dose down a whole lot and you get more of the relaxed creativity and motivation without the cloudy hazy stone. Being stoned is fun too, yes, just not all the time if you want to experiment with how weed can help you in other ways. It's your brain, figure it out.


Well-Known Member
What I have found...
MJ has a different effect on everyone...
5 guys sitting around after work....smoking the same MJ...
#1 gets stupid, and says stupid shit and sits in corner and stares out the sky...
#2 &#3 guys, get hungry, and walk down to mini mart to buy snacks...
#4 guy looks out window and says: "damn, is that a cop car, no... good, who's that... shit who was that..."
#5 Jumps in shower, cleans up, and goes to gym to work out...

MJ effects everyone in a different way... and each time a little different...
I wasted a lot of time not smoking pot [worried that it was putting bad stuff into my temple].... I am trying to make up for that now...

MJ never makes me stupid, but, I have met that guy... I think he was just of lower IQ....with or without MJ...


Sector 5 Moderator
They just have no experience with how to direct their minds into useful activities when high. It takes practice and knowing how you learn best.
Yes! I focus my thoughts because I relish the creativity that I have when high. I'm a very creative person but pot just makes it better, breaks through some barriers somehow.

Seems to give me super human srength and has made my dick bigger.
It makes my hair shinier and more manageable and my car gets better gas mileage when I smoke pot.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say weed makes me smarter. It does help me with some tasks... More than anything, it gives me a 2nd point of view.
In the planning stages of a project, after I have done planning and research in a sober state I sometimes can expand on my ideas with the altered state.

I often solve problems and come to realizations when I smoke. I do not smoke daily though... With daily use these effects are always diminished.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
no im not dumber, no way, no its impossible, no no no no no, no way, not avin it, not on my nelly, not this fucking time, no fucking way, no no no no no, no fucking way, you've made me look a right cunt!!!
I'm pretty sure he's right one this one.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say weed makes me smarter. It does help me with some tasks... More than anything, it gives me a 2nd point of view.
In the planning stages of a project, after I have done planning and research in a sober state I sometimes can expand on my ideas with the altered state.

I often solve problems and come to realizations when I smoke. I do not smoke daily though... With daily use these effects are always diminished.

^^ this makes life bearable. in moderation, whatever that means to you.


Well-Known Member
When I was younger and went through a rough breakup, weed was like the savior... I would be down, then smoke, then I would REALIZE that I was much better off without a crazy bitch to deal with. It worked well for that.