Does CFL Lighting Really Work


Well-Known Member
Its a money/status thing. You know how people are. No-one who paid 200 bucks for an HID is going to admit that they could have gotten the same or better results with only 20 or 30 dollars worth of CFL's.
For the record, I use a 400w HPS AND I use CFL's too.


Well-Known Member
Thank u for the info my frined I needed that. Anymore info on cfl growing is appreciated> One quick question Im on a budget Im trying to make some reflectors for those bulbs can u help? (3- 105w cfl equv to 400w)
I would just get a roll of mylar. You can pick one up for less than 10 bucks I assume. I saw a 4.5ft. x 25ft roll for $14.99. Or you could just paint the walls flat white. If you get the mylar, you can glue it to pieces of cardboard to manipulate the light above the bulbs back down to the plant(s). If you're careful, you could make a three panel reflector hood with the light fixtures attached.


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Roseman, is there a way to check the reps to see who repped ya, and to check who I have repped? thanx.


Well-Known Member
CFL lighting can work just as well as HPS, it's all down to your skills as a grower that will determine if you will grow righteous buds or not. I would reccomend supplimentary lighting at the sides though, I found I lost roughly 10% per plant due to light deprivation. Though I rammed my grow space with huge plants, which in it self shows CFL can get those plants to hit the good heights.


Well-Known Member
yes .... in some people's opinions only for vegeing and HPS for flowering. But lots of people grow lots of weed solely with CFLs


Roseman;3012607]Let me tell you about CFLs.

For example...

the 200w listed at 9250 lumens for a lumens/watt ratio of 9250/200=46.25

the 150w is listed at 7500 lumens for a l/w ratio of 7500/150=50

the 125w is listed at 6500 lumens for a l/w ratio of 6500/125=52

the 42w are listed for 2700 lumens, l/w ratio of 2700/42=64.28

I have some 26w that give off 1700 lumens for a l/w ratio of 1700/26=65.38

GE lists some 13w that give off 825 lumens for a l/w ratio of 825/13=63.46

So, according to these numbers the most efficient bulbs for growing are the 26w that emit 1700 lumens. If you used 8 26w bulbs (208 watts total) you'd be getting 13,600 lumens...4,350 more lumens than a single 200 watt cfl.

That was hands down some of the most helpful info on CFL's I've read.....Thanks Roseman! Excellent thread.


IMG_20110823_085027.jpgunder 6 54watt fluoros 4 ft long alternating red and blue spec doing very well only begging of 3rd week if not end of 2nd. i didnt expect to keep this going this way so i never dated. noob noob yaya but now i wanna get a 600watt hps


Well-Known Member

Here is a pic from my 1st ever grow - 1 Jack Herer plant under a single 250W Envirolite CFL, I only used a 5L DWC Res.. and she reached 42" tall and produced 3.6 oZ dry weight :) :) :) .. So for 1 or 2 plants CFL's work fine !!. Make sure your grow space is covered in either MYLAR or the new ORCA Film to get the maximum from your CFL's.. - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
It true. Indicas make hard dense buds, and sativas make fluffier buds. Thats just how it is. I dont care what kind of light you use, you cant change this. The light you use makes SOME difference sure but its more the strain. People who complain that they got fluffy buds with CFL's either didn't know what they were doing, OR they were just growing a strain that produces fluffier buds.
And I must say that the "density" of bud is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT!! Who F-ing cares how dense it is? It does not matter. Potency has no relationship to density whatsoever. And ya know what? An oz. of dense bud weighs EXACTLY the same as an oz. of fluffy bud! Duh!
I just hate the statement that "CFL's produce fluffy buds". Its just not true.
the strain and other conditions do make your bud mor or less dense, but light also plays a great role in making buds dense, but cfl's are great cause they get the job done, they're very affordable, it's a great way to start growin, I'm about to start growing and I'll be using cfl's and when I'm gonna sell those sweet heads, I'll probably switch to hid.
P.S. if you don't like the density of your bud, make hash of it
There are so many factors that go into your ultimate bud yield...I've seen shitty harvests from friends using HID lighting. It's long been known that the most powerful lighting options commonly available are HPS and MH, but CFL's can definitely be used to grow a decent plant. I use CFL's exclusively for my clones/seedlings, and early vegetative growth. I like to use a mix of cool white and warm colored CFLs, to provide the widest spectrum I can. Sometimes, you just have to go with what best fits your growing situation- I live in an old house with sketchy wiring, and I can hook up a ton of CFL's, and position them all around my plants without worrying about burning my house down. I'd love HID lighting, but there's the issue of venting the heat in my small grow space. With CFL's, I only need a few small fans. My clones/seedlings under CFL's are doing great. You can help with the CFL issue of poor light penetration with techniques like SCROgging, lsting, etc. With more CFL bulbs, and careful growing technique, you can certainly grow decent buds with CFLs.