does cheap dryer vent exhaust hose let the smell out ?

Title says it all.

I have a bit of a run for my exhaust vent.
I am using the cheap white vinyl dryer hose.
I am worried (when the time comes) that the odor will permeate that cheap hose.
I notice most use the four layer black hose.
Is that the reason why ? Because of the odor ?
As always thanks for the help.
metal duct isn't too expensive and has less friction loss. If you wanna check out the most efficient way to vent a clothes dryer, the principles are very similar!
agreed white can leak but light traps help if that is an issue, just test it out on the build if you end up using the vinyl. Vinyl is cool and all but if your happy to save some $$ in the "short run" and if it works so be it but consider if you are using EC fans and controlling fans on humidity and temps, if you go metal or a smooth alternative it may save you money in the long run with the efficiency of long sweep elbows and low friction ducting

how long is the run and how many bends?
metal duct isn't too expensive and has less friction loss. If you wanna check out the most efficient way to vent a clothes dryer, the principles are very similar!
agreed white can leak but light traps help if that is an issue, just test it out on the build if you end up using the vinyl. Vinyl is cool and all but if your happy to save some $$ in the "short run" and if it works so be it but consider if you are using EC fans and controlling fans on humidity and temps, if you go metal or a smooth alternative it may save you money in the long run with the efficiency of long sweep elbows and low friction ducting

how long is the run and how many bends?
2 bends 70 foot
Usually in the tent is a carbon filter, then comes the fan that sucks air through the filter and pushes it out of the tent/room. If you have a leak downstream from the fan it shouldnt have any odor. If there is odor behind the filter it is either depleted or you pull too much/too litle air through it.
It all works fine. I am more concerned about the odor. Airflow is good. The intake is close and draws well. The exhaust has a carbon filter but has a long run to push air. I am going to add a booster fan when the time comes. If the smell gets too much I need to figure out where it is coming from.
If its the exhaust I am in process of building a much better solution than a carbon filter. More cost effective and does a better job. Ill let you know how it works when the time comes. People tell me that there is no way around the odor that you just have to get used to it. That is unacceptable and I dont believe that there cannot be a solution. Assuming its not just coming from the tent itself. Work is in progress.
A pinhole anywhere between the filter and tent wall stink up your house. Wrap all connections with tape before clamping. Your fan at the end of your run will be enough. Stretch any flex vents and try to avoid tight turns because they can whistle. I’ve installed shitty bath fans that push that far. Also think of condensation near outside and pitch pipe appropriately.