Does cured weed make more potent hash?

It has to be tested in lab but when you make hash you want the resin fresh/raw/live like Charas in India or cured as in all Hashish producing countries.
I'm no expert on making concentrates or hash and I won't pretend to be I've only made qwizo and bubble hash a couple of times, and I always used well cured bud/trim so I couldn't tell you the difference between fresh and cured. I have a tendency to just smoke my trim, because I'm lazy like that. I would think however it depends on what strain your turning into hash or concentrate. From my personal experience and several reports I've read on the internet I've learned that certain strains gain quite a bit of potency with a longer cure, so it would reason that giving these strains a long cure before you process them would result in a more potent product. I'm surprised there aren't more people with experience trying both methods of using fresh and well cured (3+ months) bud/trim considering how popular it is to make BHO and bubble. When I first started to research how to make my own bubble about eight years ago I could of sworn I read somewhere that you needed to cure your product to ensure maximum potency. Like I said I have very little experience so I really don't know, but I would guess it really depends on what strain you're working with.
Idk, I think the only thing that's happening to the actual chemical composition of the essential oil in your plant material is some terpenes undergo a biosynthetic reaction possibly caused by fungi or bacteria on the surface of your plant material.
I don't have a lab to test my buds before or after curing so I have no way of knowing whether I'm correct but I think during the process of curing is when small amounts of the naturally occurring terpenes are turned into their corresponding terpenoids I.e. ketones, aldehydes, and esters that add more subtle undertones to the smell of your plant.
Another theory I have is that the terpenoids are produced by oxidation of the primary terpenes, although it doesn't make as much sense because the conditions needed to cure would actually slow down oxidation.
Someone else can probably give a better answer because my theories are based on anecdotal evidence.
The terpenes go through a polymerization process during curing, a binding of the polymer, which account for the change in smell and taste from the fresh flowers.
The terpenes go through a polymerization process during curing, a binding of the polymer, which account for the change in smell and taste from the fresh flowers.
Do you have anymore information to explain this a little more, it's got me curious.
The only information I can find on polymerization of terpenes is a bunch of industrial products containing polyterpene resin.
There is a large difference between the nose of fresh and dry Cannabis flowers because of the polymerization (joining together in a chain) of many of the smaller molecules of aromatic terpenes to form different aromatic and non-aromatic terpene polymers. Aromas change as Cannabis resins age and mature, both while the plant is growing and while curing after harvest

Marijuana Botany: ‪An Advanced Study: The Propagation and Breeding of Distinctive Cannabis ‪(Google eBook) ‪Robert Connell Clarke
It seems to me I get more Concrete in the Absolute if I cure it first. That's for BHO. So, I don't cure it. I just hang it until it is completely dry.

I have never heard of curing before making hash. Original hash is from hand rubbing mature plants to get the seeds out and resin on your hands, and rolling up what sticks to your palms.

There are a few tricks not to just make a mess. :)

So, can you do it? Yes. I don't think it is a potency question at all. All these concentrates are the most potent when made from fresh, dry and sugary top buds.
I'm no scientist so can't really get down with all them big words. lol From my experience though you definitely get more yield in the ice water. Don't think it's gonna matter as much though when stripping it with tane.
It seems to me I get more Concrete in the Absolute if I cure it first. That's for BHO. So, I don't cure it. I just hang it until it is completely dry.

I have never heard of curing before making hash. Original hash is from hand rubbing mature plants to get the seeds out and resin on your hands, and rolling up what sticks to your palms.

There are a few tricks not to just make a mess. :)

So, can you do it? Yes. I don't think it is a potency question at all. All these concentrates are the most potent when made from fresh, dry and sugary top buds.
That is not making Hashish but Charas, every Hashish producing countries like Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, Afghanistan do cure the resin 3 months like a good cure for flowers. Coincidence???
Charas is a psychoactive drug made from gently hand-rubbing live mature female Cannabis flowers to collect the resin glands.
Hashish is a psychoactive drug made from sieving the resin glands of the dried Cannabis flowers and pressing them with a source of heat.
That is not making Hashish but Charas, every Hashish producing countries like Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, Afghanistan do cure the resin 3 months like a good cure for flowers. Coincidence???
Charas is a psychoactive drug made from gently hand-rubbing live mature female Cannabis flowers to collect the resin glands.
Hashish is a psychoactive drug made from sieving the resin glands of the dried Cannabis flowers and pressing them with a source of heat.

Oh that Charas (scissor hash) so physchoactively AWESOME & easy!
That is not making Hashish but Charas, every Hashish producing countries like Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, Afghanistan do cure the resin 3 months like a good cure for flowers. Coincidence???
Charas is a psychoactive drug made from gently hand-rubbing live mature female Cannabis flowers to collect the resin glands.
Hashish is a psychoactive drug made from sieving the resin glands of the dried Cannabis flowers and pressing them with a source of heat.

Like I said, cure has nothing to do with potency. Cure in this case is probably about storage of the harvest. You can't hand rub dried plants.

But you said curing resin. ???? No such thing, afaik.

Curing is about the chlorophyll and other non-active plant material to break that down into simple sugars. That is the Concrete we strip out from the Absolute. (the "resin") That is why I get the same yield in grams per oz, if I cure or not.

But, I take out a lot more Concrete in the winterizing step if I run BHO on cured weed.
Curing is not only about the chlorophyl and other non-active plant material to break that down into simple sugars.
There is no such thing as cured resin Doer, seriously??????????

Oh get a grip. If you think otherwise, prove it,

There is no such thing as cured resin.
Oh get a grip. If you think otherwise, prove it,

There is no such thing as cured resin.


Doer are you trollololing on purpose or something?
Well. You tell me.

What is cured resin? Not just the mythical opinions everyone has, but show some reference. I say it is a preposterous conjecture. Yet, you provide nothing but dis-belief and cling to some old term.

Myth is not real.
There are a lot of articles out there. Google is your friend.

Trichomes go through polycyclic aromatization in the process of decomposition (drying) if I remember correctly, and who knows if I spelled that right.

There are varying opinions on this, but a quick search around ICM and the internet would yield quite a bit of information.. this is just you being wrong.

Even taking 'cured' buds, and then dry sifting them, the trichomes will change in appearance/taste/smell/stone after you harvest them from day 1 to a month later.. like different extracts.

Huge difference.
Perhaps there may be a language barrier here..

I cure my Bubble Hash (AKA Resin or resin glands, trichomes, glandular heads, crystal, sparkly thingys etc etc)

I cure it exactly as it were fresh flowers, burping the jar it's in twice a day for at least 2weeks...
The longer the better IMHO..

The taste/aroma is completely different after curing/aging.

In regards to BHO...
The term Concrete is specifically reserved for oil extracted from fresh material, no cure.

Oleoresin is the term used when extracting oil from dried/cured material.

Schism due to terminology ...