New Member
it takes the cops to score a felony arrest in your home town?
Mine is three ounces.

Mine is three ounces.

That a joke, did you not have time to munch it or throw it down a drain?well.. since i just had a little run in with the popo, not in my town, but a nearby city and have since gone to court for the large amount of 1 gram of weed.. yes, you have read that correctly.. the courts just wasted their time and money along with mine of course over this tiny amount of weed.. i kinda got an idea... the PD came out and told everyone that as long as you were there for anything less than an ounce of weed, then you would get such and such as a result, and anything over that would be a felony..
although this was a nearby city, i was in a different state... and i would think that my state maybe a lil stricter, although we are on the cusp of passing medical right now..
for all of those interested my fine was $148.50... no probation or any of that crap.. they called it NFP.. no farther penalities.. it would have been about twice as much but since they didn't the toxicology results back yet, i got away from having to pay that
its decriminalized here. Can have 4 oz or less on you and the cops can't/wont do shit. anything over and you're just fucking stupid