Does flowering from seed stop the plant from making seeds?


Well-Known Member
You can also stress induce a female plant to produce seeds if you don't have any male plants around for pollination. They pollinate themselves from becoming stressed hermies. However the plants grown from those stress induced seeds can have a tendency to produce hermaphrodite females.
This is absolutely false.
If you stress a plant to make it produce male flowers, the resulting seeds will produce plants that are likely to produce male flowers under the same stress.

Stressing a plant dopes not change its DNA.
You are the victim of bad information, stop spreading it.

The stress induced seed plants will be feminized seeds. Not always a good thing
Stop it.

but we've done it in order to carry on a lineage of plant where we no longer have access to clones or seeds of the strain.
You can stress them a number of ways but the best way we found was to just let them get over ripe and continue on past their normal flowering time. Temp and light stresses also work.

Who is "we"?

I have found that rodelization is very unreliable and far from the easiest route.

The best way to make feminized seeds is to use STS or colloidal silver. Neither stresses the plant, but rather tricks it into producing male flowers.


Well-Known Member
So i can 12\12 them now, and still breed them. there about 12" tall now so theyll make seeds anyway, but my newest ones are about 2 weeks old, flowering them now should still produce seeds?, of course i can always clone them but that defeats the purpose of breeding.
Cloning does not defeat the purpose of breeding. Quite the contrary.