Can freewill exist alongside predeterminism/predestination? Like can I have freewill while being predestined to have freewill? Or like can I be predetermined to choose? Does anybody ever recall being given an infinite amount of options to choose from? And before we all were alive, did we have freewill then? If not, how could it make sense that out of nowhere we were suddenly given freewill or that we suddenly found freewill?
Does the character in a video game have more of a life than the NPCs?
Consciousness exists behind the subject/object split, and is thus the Ground of All Being.
You exist independent of both the subject and object, and thus must be projecting the split for some reason not yet understood.
The implication science is giving us, is that we live in a simulation, That none of what we see or experience exists outside of our conscious thought.
We are sleepers, daydreaming.
You, as the Subject or Object, will play out the Will of Consciousness, with no understanding of why or how.
There is no Freedom for you.
Freedom is an illusion you have spun around yourself.