Does hydro shave time off flowering and increase trics


Well-Known Member
Every method I know of has some sort of a watering schedule whether it's drain to waste or Aeroponics. It all has a dry period to allow maximum oxygen to the roots. So hydroponics is not actually about the water it's about the air... strange but true...
Good read StinkBuddy,

What does that say about deep water culture?

I've run aero and constant circulation in 6" tubes and 5 gallon bubbling buckets, and 44 gallon bubbling trash cans with air stones ( and oh yea, a rainforest).

Around 5.0 ppm is adequate relative to plant health/yield------no matter the method.

Disagree bro------about the need for a drying interval.

Let there be light (on my plants) sayith the weed god-----but not too much.

Well lord-----how much is too much?

Over 10,000 foot candles, and bleaching starts.

Well lord----In my 1K hps, air cooled hood with glass-----at what distance below the glass is 10,000 foot candles?

16 inches and at 32" it is 2500 foot candles.




Well-Known Member
Ive grown the same strain from the same mom in dirt, sunshine mix, and hydro dwc. Crystal content was #1 dwc, #2 dirt, #3 sunshine. The sunshine grow was a bad grow though cause i wasnt watching it, it was at a friends, but i would say without a doubt that hydro produces more tricombes than soil growing. Even the fan leaves had tricombes on them in hydro.