Does intense sunlight heat cause wilting?

It's strange because i put my usual outdoor plant directly in the sunlight this morning and then I check back like 30 minutes later and it started wilting. The leaves themselves were fine before and when they were wilted it seemed pretty firm still just droopy.
But then when I brought them into some shade they went straight back to normal. It never happened before when i put them in direct light. We've had recent heat waves so it's hotter than normal.
Does intense heat cause wilting?


Well-Known Member
Yes. They more then likely need to be watered. Go by the weight of the pot dry, vs wet. Water them then put them back into the sunlight, and they shouldn't droop.


Well-Known Member
Well like you said recent hotwaves. Need more watering then you've normally been doing. Trust me I had this same problem a few days ago. Plant out in the sun was sure it had enough water tops were drooping. Put them in the shade it perked back up, so I watered them and put them back into the sun no problems.

Another big factor is pot size, and definitely how big the plant is. Bigger the plant more water.


Well-Known Member

but we finaly had a break tho .. still running 84F in my room under the 600W .. but no much I can do .. plant look nice tho ..

stupid global warming .. we schould all grow hamp and ride bikes so we can lower the temps for our grow rooms and outdoor growth ..