Does it exist (yet) : Electronic Cannabis Stink Meter ?


Hi there,

The Introduction:
One of the problems with an indoor, at home, grow.
Is that you fail to notice, or underestimate, the way cannabis stinks.

The smells that are ever present, somehow become invisible.
I guess it's a bit like the guy that has body odour ... on the train/bus/tram/plane etc.
He either under-estimates the problem, or he has no idea there is a problem.

But for people walking in the vicinity, of the guy with body odour, or in the vicinity
of the (supposedly) secret cannabis grow, the odour is _very_ apparent.

For people with body odour, the worst problem is having a reputation as being the
guy that smells. And consequently being dismissed and rejected socially.

For people running a cannabis grow operation. This can result in time spent
in prison, the loss of employment, or loss of a career, the confiscation of assets,
enormous legal bills, consequential marital and family problems... etc etc.

My Question is:
Is there such a thing, as an electronic cannabis stink meter ?
Is there something similar, like a detector of aromatic compounds ?

Does anyone know of such a thing ?
Or you have some bright ideas for improvising such a device ?
If so, please reply to this thread.
Your contribution will be warmly welcomed and gratefully received :-)

Thank you ... have a nice day :-)

There bloody well should be! (:
I mean, you get those little cardboard patches that detect carbon monoxide....
And now I want one! :cuss:
The gas company has a gas detector.
The phone company has a detector for Co2, that they use to find leaks in lines they pressurize with it.

I wonder, it would appear it could be done.
The gas company has a gas detector.
The phone company has a detector for Co2, that they use to find leaks in lines they pressurize with it.

I wonder, it would appear it could be done.

Hi Dr.

I agree completely.
And i'm told that, down the coal mines, of the North East and Wales they now use
electronic methane detectors; they're much more sensitive than canaries,.... apparently.
So I presume it must be possible to do the same thing for aromatic compounds...
like pinene, lemonene, terpineol.. etc.

cryptolab :)
I had this problem not anymore. Approach the problem from another angle. Go to LowDepot cleaning supplies. They sell wall mount plug-in scent makers. These are designed to latch on to odors and smells and mask them with a floral scent. Very cheap(~$5) and effective. Enough of these running and you can start a morgue.
More stink wanted? Let your plants grow until at least 20% of the trichs are amber. Let Indicas grow for 80-days instead of the 62-days when most Indicas are chopped. Sativas all need at least 75-120 days to start changing trichs to amber coloring. Of the (5, count 'em) seasons of my farming avocation, I've always, always, cut my crops down too early and the result was no terpene fragrance at all after drying. Let them grow on, and on , and on. Then you'll have professional smelling crops, imo. This 5th season it's ripening just fine. Patience and time = ripe rips. :peace:
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Hi Dr.

I agree completely.
And i'm told that, down the coal mines, of the North East and Wales they now use
electronic methane detectors; they're much more sensitive than canaries,.... apparently.
So I presume it must be possible to do the same thing for aromatic compounds...
like pinene, lemonene, terpineol.. etc.

cryptolab :)
you are suggesting a tool that would measure tric particles in a given volume or area

gas can be manipulated but as for tric dust...?

that maybe the difficult part

not impossible but goddamm hard


1: slide in a piece of absorbing paper to a box

2: close box activate pump

3: open box measure the trics on the paper

4: how to measure paper? by weight....?

sounds good but........
you are suggesting a tool that would measure tric particles in a given volume or area

gas can be manipulated but as for tric dust...?

that maybe the difficult part

not impossible but goddamm hard


Hey there Vostock,

Interesting idea....I hadn't considered the trichome "dust" angle.
That sounds like it has promise....
... do trichomes decompose to dust ? ...whilst in a grow room ?
I can imagine that trichrome _decomposition_ occurs during drying and curing.
(I'm sure lots of growers have been arrested due to the stench of
curing their recent harvest .... because cannabis loves to stink when it's curing...
it positively looks forward to it... with glee).

I was actually thinking of detecting the aromatic gases.
eg: gaseous pinene, or limonene or <your-favourite-terpene-here>

Perhaps this would work by detecting the reaction of ambient gases with a catalyst.
Perhaps some substrate you load into the meter (like inserting a cartridge)
The meter reads the starting electrical conductivity across the cartridge.
And the conductivity changes when catalyst reacts with some candidate
aromatic gases in the air.

Probably there's already some 'aromatic gases detector' already out there,
in the big wide world... and we just need to find out about it, and re-purpose it
as a "stay-out-of-jail" device.
cops can read your saliva by dabbing a cotton bud in your mouth then to ajar of chems that color?

maybe we aero-sole those chems?
If these things existed a lot of K9s would be out of work...

Last I knew there were still competing theories on how our taste and smell senses even work, let alone be able to detect them electronically.