Does it matter?


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering when you should top/fim within a 18/6 light schedule. At lights on, middle, or right before they go off? Also, after watering or before? Should it be plain water or on the nute watering.

I know I may just be over thinking, just wondering what way is the best for my babies.


Well-Known Member
you are over thinking it, I am sure there are more desirable answers but just do it whenever and keep on rolling


Well-Known Member
You should top as soon as possible then leave them alone and just prune excessive growth. The time to do it is during weeks one and 2 of veg.

Keif Cheif

Don't over think it man. Doesn't matter much as far as when to top/fim, but it is usually better to do highly stressful things slightly before the lights turn off, so that the plants have the night period to recuperate from any stress. *Also spray the leaves with SEA GREEN after stress. You can also feed this through the roots for root health and stimulation. green&product_id=2716 (This is where I do my shopping because they seem to know "what's up" and don't try to B.S. me into stuff that I don't need)

I usually like to encourage to feed the plants (nutes) within the first couple hours of the lights being on, so that you give the plant time for the stomata to open and start taking in CO2 and more readily available for food thru the roots.


Well-Known Member
You are over-thinking and by the time you've harvested a few times you won't care about Minor details/options like this; cannabis is a pretty forgiving and determined plant. BUT!!! If you actually want an answer :) Top or Fim a couple hours after your lights come on. Your plants grow (expend energy) while the lights are off and absorb energy while the lights are on; you want your plant to capture energy after you've stressed it and that night it will have energy to repair and divert energy that progresses the Top/Fim. Feeding nutrients seems better; not a lot; enough to act as a booster. When you have a sneeze you take Emercgen-C or wtf; so when you prune a plant you might as well give it a little booster.


Well-Known Member
I figured it was over thinking it all. Pretty much knew I could do it anytime as the plants recover nicely. I found that out first hand. If you check out my grow (in my sig) I dropped my baby about a week into it. I rather know what's the most ideal in every stage of the grow... For the knowledge and to practice what I can.