Marijuana does NOT cause cancer, There has NEVER been a documented case of such a silly prospect that the media treats us like we are all really really....Reeeaallly RETARDED. Deaths and cancer to do with tobacco? HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS. 90%of lung cancers are radiation related. chemicals used in the growing and processing fucks that shit up. Cannabis will probably dumb you down if its been fuckin sprayed by somethin or if you use fertilizers that aren't organic. THC KILLS!!! cancer cells, that is. check out "run from the cure"-rick simpson. If you don't know that cancers, obeisity, autism, aids, anthrax-all this shits on purpose-then there is plenty of researching left to do. economy is collapsing, drug companises are killing into the hundreds of thousands while pot is a dangerous drug and shouldn't be used because it makes people think they feel better. How horrible! artificial sweeteners trigger all kinds of nasty shit and ithe only fuckin mint/gum i can find in the wal-mart isle without them is altoids. its like even that tiny bit of sugar is a poison-but hey! we found out this stuff here tastes sweet too and its an essential nutrient! stay away from reconstituted beverages and artificial flavors and colors (like msg and red#whatever they are made from oil). But all in all NO MARIJUANA DOES NOT AND WILL NEVER CAUSE CANCER. To quote terrence Mckenna "MORE MONEY HAS BEEN SPENT TRYING TO FIND SOMETHING WRONG WITH MARIJUANA THAN ANY OTHER VEGETABLE MATTER OUT OF MILLIONS OF SPECIES. AND WHAT THEY HAVE COME UP WITH IS SO PATHETICALLY SMALL...(watch medias arguments against marijuana on youtube. Like a people can't have personal responsibility anymore