Well-Known Member
i tried smoking weed to kill myself once because i didnt want to hang myself that sounds like it hurts. i want to die peaceful so i smoke and well i woke up. wish there was a better way

I dont think smoking it would help with depression, but growing mj might help. When you're high all the time you make all sorts of bad decisions.
Growing it is therapeutic and provides a creative outlet for expression. Putting a grow together gives you more pleasure than smoking it.....your first harvest is better than your first hit.
depression runs in my family and although i'm pretty sure i've never been diagnosable, i have had some pretty nasty funks hit me with no warning and for no reason at all before.
not sure if cannabis helps all that much, but it's sure better than a dionysian drinking spree.
i don't find weed helps with my depression. i'm miserable with or without it. what it does do is provide a bit of a distraction, which can be a big deal sometimes and mean nothing other times. sometimes it makes me focus too hard on how i feel. i wouldn't recommend it as a first course of action for someone with serious depression but i'd be lying if i said it doesn't make me feel less like crap sometimes in the short term. i certainly wouldn't call it a solution but it's a good distraction more than half the time for me. i'm a miserable fuck so my answer might not apply to everyone.
I don't think anyone ever truly gets over depression, they just learn to live and deal with it.
I also, Nortriptyline changed some chemicals around in my brain. Depression is much better now, I now I enjoy weed much much better also.I used to feel the same way but there is hope. In my case, I needed some pharmaceutical help, to change my brain chemistry. Herb has been a reliable maintenance tool.