Does Molasses Work?


Well-Known Member
Yes, It's naturally high in potassium(or was it Phos?) and it also has trace minerals I believe. You can use quite a bit of it and use it every or every other watering, very hard to burn your plants with this stuff as with most organic nutes. It helps form rock hard buds and increasing size of buds.


Well-Known Member
How tall are they? Are they bushy?

3 times a week sounds about right, maybe start using Molasses 2/3 Waterings a week

also another thing I forgot to add, is people sometimes use this stuff all the way to Harvest, does not seem to make much difference, but as with all nutes I'd think not flushing out the nutes before harvesting would cause it to burn funny. Have you ever bought bud that just wouldn't burn for anything, takes a couple hits to get it to light right? Thats weed that hasn't been fully flushed of all the nutrients before it was cut.


Well-Known Member
Yep those big suckers will suck the pot dry pretty quick, but thats good you'll want that short period of dryness so the roots go deeper into the pot = bigger yield :)


Active Member
I feed my plants using Advanced 3 part with big bud liquid and some other advanced additives and I am going to be trying Purple Max and its late flower counterpart. Do I use molasses in addition to this or should I use just molasses and water when I add it?


Well-Known Member
guys i went out and bought molasses today.

i could'nt find Blackstrap Molasses so i bought:

"Grandma's Unsulphered Molasses - Original"

Is this ok / effective as blackstrap molasses?


Well-Known Member
Slr, chances are that your heaps of pricey nutrients already contain sugar derivatives- it's quite frequently the secret ingredient in those...(take Canna Boost for example)

also, Tony, blackstrap is just the darkest, purest, sugariest form of the shit..... sulfur is likely used as a preservative. So long as it's not clear and runny as water, it's legit. Mind you, brown sugar works just as well at 2 tbls/gal, so don't bust the bank buying granny's secret recipe and whatnot.

The Bud Dude

Active Member
So maybe a wood ash, molasses, and brown sugar solution...dear God...we've created a monster!! I mean...Thank God we've created a monster!!