does my bud look okay????

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Loks like cannabis to me...

Next time, take you photos when your lights are off and you might get a more useful reply than mine ;)


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear but sounds minor, kid looks healthy too, plants look nice also, you should really pull that one photo down of the kid though.I'm sure you're working on it.


Well-Known Member
Edit post -> advanced - > manage attatchemnts.

If after those guidelines you are still stumped, i suggest just refraining from putting up pics :D
yea i figured it out.. no more photo uploads from my phone ne more... BACK TO SUBJECT ,SO WHAT DO YA THINK BOUT BUD?? LOOK FINE?


Active Member
Those ladies are looking beautiful. I know the feelling of wantting to see a lot more progress then you do but just like others have told me, "Roll up, smoke up, and just enjoy the show"