Does my plant look healthy?


Active Member
Hmmm so ive had this plant growing for about 3 weeks i have a 100w mh light on that plant... The humidity is about 50/50 i water about every 2 days, i have the floraponics starter kit right now which includes root 66 b.c grow boost and bloom, magical i have all the nutrients right.... i dont know what im doing wrong??? or if its me i dont know the kind of strain yet.... Any thing is helpful thanks!!!



Active Member
Looks like you have some kind of defficiency. Do those leaves have a white haze or something on it or is it just the lighting?


Well-Known Member
i get this problem every now and then with my seedlings i get from a few of my crossed plants . Out of about 40 seedlings , 5-7 came out similar to the seedling shown in these pics. They grew twisty and kinda shivled. We have come to the conclusion that genetics may play a roll, seeing that we watered them all with the same water, same soil ect... Some plants i think seem to snap out of it and get big , some dont. :leaf:


Active Member
yea i kinda figured that lol, i water whenever its dry about 4-6 inchs down... So it might be the case that they get hungery for water..... And i do spray them i looked up if i should or shouldnt with all of the nutriants in it, but thank you to everyone!!!


Well-Known Member
whoa thanks alot man... im a bigginer so im not exatily sure on what im doing...
No worries man - everyone has been there. :leaf: But for future reference - your plants do not need any nutrients (other than whats in your basic soil) for like 3 weeks or until they are in a vegetative state. Yours are still seedlings. You will know when to nutrient them because they will start growing rapidly when they enter veg and then slow down and the color might change....


Well-Known Member
Yes in the bath tub - Use distilled/Reverse Osmosis or other ph balanced water and let all the water drain out the bottom for a long while....


Well-Known Member
the only reason to my knowledge u should spray the foliage is when the soil ph is down (more acidic) caused from the enormus amounts of fertilizers ur using ,the salts eventually build up ,lowering ph,and ruducing the amounts of nutrients being pumped to the top of the plant


Active Member
Can i get your advice for something? i have some seedlings that are about 4 inchs tall.... They were looking good until today, after i had to flush my system out, the leaves are kinda twisting now (is this temp) if you can please tell me whats wrong that would be awsome....
Peace man.....

Oh and my wierd strain is doing much better now!!!!!:leaf:

