first "noob" really? are you a 12 year old fortnite kid?
second, how cannabis works in bloom is in the last weeks the amount of energy consumed drops dramtically, overdrive helps the plant reboot to produce more trichs and terpenes. Thus making the bud higher quality and increasing yields.
also ya who wants to see the final product right? so here you go buddy heres a photo of my plants a couple days before i started my flush*.
I went through your comments and all you do is talk shit to everyone in every feed. I came in here to try to help buddy get something out of the hard work he put in to get his plant where it is. So gtfo with your toxic attitude and bias issues. This guy is obviously here for help, i was the one who said it was nute lock and guess what he confirmed thats what it was and hes fixxing it. Now i need to get back to work so take your butt hurt ass back into your grow and evaluate yourself before coming in here talking shit to everyone.
Even if my crop was garbage and locked there is no need for you to come in here ( a place where new and mid rage growers come to so they can receive advice from knowledgeable growers) i dont claim to know everything ( why i posted a photo of my grow to ask for advice to optimize) but i know from experience its a very good product.
Take your blocked private ass profile out of here
Edit: * i put harvest before , this is actually 10 days before harvest where i use 5 days of rasta flush snake oil and then 5 days of de chlorinated water