Does ona work?


Active Member
Starting to have a problem with odour at the house. I'm legal, so it's not a concern of stealth per se, but my wife and I both work from home, and often have clients visiting the house, so we like to keep it stealth. I'm never quite sure if guests can smell anything when they come in the house because I'm so used to it, I can't really tell anymore. I've become obsessive compulsive about spraying the entire house down with febreeze not knowing when/if someone will show up at the door.

Anyway, I've been reading about this Ona stuff, and it seems to get pretty positive reviews, although it does seem very expensive. Granted, I have no idea how long one of those big pails lasts, so maybe it's actually cheap when you factor in how long you can use it.

The issue is during the winter months, I veg indoors in a spare room. The room is exhausted outdoors with a carbon scrubber, so that's taken care of. The problem is any time I go in and out of the room (several times per day) the whole house gets a full blast of skunk that tends to hang around for hours even after I seal the room up again.

Also, when I smoke indoors, I always sit by a window, but inevitably, the smell of burning weed can fill the house quick.

I need an odor control method that actual eliminates the odor by absorption, and not masking it. I can spray febreeze all day long, but it doesn't work except for the initial 5 minutes or so after I spray it can overpower the weed smell. I can still pick it out though, so I'm sure it's more than obvious to guests.

So, I'm looking for odour control outside of the veg room. Are these ONA products good for that? Or are they only for small enclosed spaces, like actually INSIDE the grow room itself?

Also, there seems to be a massive variety, and I don't know which product is the one I need. There seems to be gels, blocks, liquids, sprays, misters etc. I also have no idea how long they last, so I don't know if using these products gets expensive very quickly if you have to refil or replace every few weeks.

In summary:

Does ona work effectively, or does it just mask the strong smell, with an even stronger smell?
Which product would be best for my needs?
How long does it last?
Are the scent options terrible smelling themselves, or are they tolerable to live with on a daily basis?
Which scent it considered the least offensive?

I know it's a lot of questions, but +rep for anyone who can answer them for me.

Thanks all


Well-Known Member
I didn't read all of that but I am a huge fan of ONA. I purchased my first container of ONA Pro, poured some in a bucket and placed a fan on top. It totally removed the odor from my 5 plant grow. It smells nice and the scent doesn't linger too long. I will be purchasing the gallon container soon. Great product.


Well-Known Member
ona is a great product and will last 6-8 weeks for a small container bout $20 £15 in uk just drill couple holes in top of the tub and let it do its thing i have 1 outside the grow room and it works wonders

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I like ona but find that febreeze products work just as well for us and you can get them at any store often on sale.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, ONA is far superior.

I purchased the quart($20) a few weeks ago and I still have a lot left. Great product, worth every penny.


Well-Known Member
I'm doing an unfiltered impromptu veg closet and could probly use one of these. Is there a way to make the small tub last longer? I don't have a lot of smell yet so maybe I can just drill a small hole at first or something to slow the release.

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
ona works i get the gallon of the gel, fresh lilnen for the house and the pro for the room the pro smells like a hospital bathroom.the fresh linen smells better but i think the pro does a better job and when they dry up buy the liquid to rehydrate the gel crystals and save a couple of bucks.


Active Member
Puff N Stuff - Are you using a fan with the gel to disperse the smell throughout the house? Is that enough? Or do you find it only deodorizes the immediate vicinity it's in.

Has anyone tried the automatic mister? I figured this could be good security to position near the front door so visitor are only greeted by a fresh laundry smell without me having to keep track. Right now, if I crack open a jar of bud, and then someone shows up at the front door and I haven't had a chance to 'febreeze' and cover up the smell, its too obvious.

I like the idea of having something continuously scrubbing the air at all times.