does peta overreact?


Well-Known Member
no, monkey see monkey do. if you see a cop talking on the cell phone are you gunna follow the law or will you follow the cop. shit he stashed my gear somewhere might as well follow him

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
damnit ccannofabeer you always are punny about stuff. and now that im drunk your av makes me want some polar bear sex...
I hadn't thought about his avatar like that before... but now that you mention it... I do want to have rough and rugged, wild, animalist sex... with a certain person... that isn't represented on this site by a polar bear...

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i think it's funny that they got pissed about the fur suit but not at all the turtle things that mario has killed in cold blood since the 80s. i mean look what happens when he eats vegetables and plants. he gets all roid'd out and shoots fire at innocent living things. he's killed things in the air, on land, and sea. he's a fucking bastard.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
If I was wearing a fur or leather coat and some self righteous fuck nugget splashed me with paint I'd fuck 'em up with an overhand right and congratulate them for killing an other 30 little defenseless animals that'll be needed to make the new coat...


Active Member
and they kill over 90% of the animals that they take over the "care" of... fucking hypocrites...
Really? Dude, we should have a million fur march rally and just kick whoevers ass who throws blood on us. Well or we could sue them for damages and make them buy us another fur coat. Fuck PETA. Fuck Vegans, the reason we're not in the trees is because we came down to eat meat (or aliens.. if you believe that, STILL ALIENS PROBABLY EAT MEAT.. even if its some blue grey meat).

Don't be a pussy. Have a steak.


Active Member
They're doing it to just get attention like the attention whores they are come on they been around since the 80's and now they're making a big fuss over the tanooki suit just because it is more detailed in Mario 3D. peta bread is really good just put some lettuce, cheese and some ham mmm mmm mmm tasty


Well-Known Member
oh shit, I just read this somewhere too lol. I was like WTF...........................................................................................................................................................................................................