I've looked stuff up online and can't find much info, so thought I'd ask experienced growers directly. Can anyone tell me if plant height affects flowering length. As in would a small plant mature quicker than a big one.
I'm not super experienced but I imagine height wouldnt affect flowering duration, esp outdoors. Now something indoor like a micro grow that's put straight to 12/12. In that case plant needs time to mature enough to flower before you can start counting number of days in flower
Plant size does not effect flower duration much.
From what I have noticed, you just get more bud that develops at approximately the same rate.
It may effect overall nug and cola size in some cases, but more often than not it is best to have a larger plant.
Cool thanks for the info. I've 1 that seems near ready its bagseed so not too sure on flowering length to begin with but I've been keeping track for my big 1 that's just started to flower