Does Quality Weed Matter when Using a Vap?


Active Member
I'll be the first to admit I'm not a connoisseur.. I smoke a few times a week when my back pain is bad, or when I have trouble sleeping, bad migranes.. I just recently tried a vaporizer and wondering; does quality herb matter when vaporizing? From what I understand not everything is vaporized and (for me) the high is more "cerebral" than I've had with a bong, joint or pipe.

I'd like to hear someone's opinions on this one...
While I want "good weed" I don't necessarily want/need to spend alot on it..

Thanks for stopping by


Well-Known Member
Usually sativa's are more expensive and considered "connoisseir" but indicas are usually used more for medicinal purpose.
So you shouldn't need "high quality" weed. You might want to turn the temperature on your vapourizer up to get more of an indica effect if that's what you need. I could be wrong though


Active Member
the reason why I asked because I didn't notice alot in the "organically grown high-quality" than mid-grade.
I thought it could just be me..


Active Member
I'm more worried about mid compared to high grade
if all I could get is bunk I probably wouldn't buy it.


Active Member
Yes it makes a dif. had 15 % thc content in vapoizerr then ran 22 % bud the next day and got baked twice as much and i havent been this stoned since i was a kid, once i got my vaporizer, Love it!


Well-Known Member
the other cannabinoids are not generally considered to have any effect on their own, its only by interaction with THC that they have an effect, so you still want a strain that has a high THC content. But I do think the higher cannabinoid content is usually present in what is considered "medicinal" weed. Most medicinal is indica dominant
I could be completely wrong however


Well-Known Member
I'm a little baked right now. But,I'm going to repeat something you already know.
Both Sativa and Indica are both used for medical marijuana. Each has properties to treat different aliments.
Need some thing for pain and sleep go with the Indica. Need something not couch lock and uplifting. Go with Sativa.
Hybrids also contribute highly to the world of medical marijuana. By combining effects from each.

The Norm is Sativa is higher in THC..where the Indica is higher in other cannabinoids like CBD

Bunk weed is bunk. You can get high from it. But, you would have to smoke more of it. Because the percentages of active chemicals are lower normally.

I prefer to stick with the grade A Medical marijuana. Takes less medicine to take care of my problems.

Good luck in finding out what works for you. It's all up to you man:leaf:


Active Member
Indica strains for w/e are more of a body high and couch lock so has a higher medicinal value, while sativa strains more cerebral longer lasting effect has less couch lock affect. Best way this stoner can describe it.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i herd that certain cannabanoids vaporize at different temps and some vaporize at higher temps then the vape can be set to. so they dont get vaporized. i always more of a sativa high when i vape any bud.
i normally use pretty good weed. but when i used less quality wee i would have to vape more weed to get close to the same high.


Well-Known Member
Well my vape goes to 500 degrees Fahrenheit so I would say that is hot enough to release anything ya needed to...wouldn't use it on that high a setting personally, but there was an issue with sitting on the remote, got a mouthful of super gross smoke and realized I had turned it all the way tell ya the truth I like my vape, but I still gotta use my bong every once in awhile.