does she look ready to harvest bud looks good but bad nute burn

does she look about ready to harvest ? if not about how much longer should i wait? i kno it has bad nute burn these pics were takin 3 days ago and the buds have gotten bigger and more brown hairs but also more dieng leaves.. i stopped using nutes about 2 1/2 weeks ago and now im kinda wanting to just chop this baby down. she is my first grow and i'd say it was pretty successful now im jus waiting to kno when to chop it down.. the trichs look like golfballs on a tee from wat i can see with my magnifiying glass i wouldnt say 50% of the hairs r brown mayb 35-40% of them are any suggestions on how long on wen ready or if it looks ready now?



what color are the tichs? thats what matters when u are going for doneness of a plant.. what strain u running and how deep into flower are you? have u been feeding your plants RO water or just plain tap water?
what color are the tichs? thats what matters when u are going for doneness of a plant.. what strain u running and how deep into flower are you? have u been feeding your plants RO water or just plain tap water?
i think they're clearish white and it's saliva I'm pretty sure and I'd say about a month n a half of flowering mayb 2 months and I was using peters super blossom booster 10-50-10 but I used too much and ended up with bad nutrition burn so the leaves eventually started dying and I started to cut all the dead ones off


Well-Known Member
Did you switch straigt from nutes to water without a flush? That weed is gonna be harsh and crackly when smoked. You might just wanna make hash...


Well-Known Member
jesus christ dude 10-50-10?! no wonder you burnt the her tits off..
lol ill say the same thing i said in your other thread for this plant. shes still trying to grow, and at this point, i'd resume a mild organic bloom tea and at the very least a good healthy dose of molasses with each watering.

don't give in to your impatience. but like i always say - its your plant dude. do what you like.
jesus christ dude 10-50-10?! no wonder you burnt the her tits off..
lol ill say the same thing i said in your other thread for this plant. shes still trying to grow, and at this point, i'd resume a mild organic bloom tea and at the very least a good healthy dose of molasses with each watering.

don't give in to your impatience. but like i always say - its your plant dude. do what you like.
Thanks Ima do wat u say cuz u seem like u kno wat ur talkin about hopefully it won't b a harsh smoke wen harvested