Does shopping Ebay invite Five-0 to my door?


Well-Known Member
I'm interested in starting an idoor set-up (very small),and after looking around I find that many of the items I am interested in are posted at better prices on Ebay.
My biggest concern with purchases from anywhere is being put on Five-0's radar.
Is Ebay safe? Are there any specific sellers that are reliable, discreet, safe?
How closely does law enforcement monitor hydroponics and supply sales?
Would love some feedback, before I hang my yaya out there and step on it!
I wouldn't worry too much about it. I'm sure they got bigger fish to fry than a small time grower. Too many resources for a potential small grow OP isn't practical. I'd be more cautious about telling your friends, classmates, strippers, or whoever, that you have a grow room.... Remember, loose lips sink ships!

Best wishes on your grow, bro :leaf: =)
If anything happens, it'll be because someone ratted on you. If you keep it quiet and discreet, I don't think online ordering is gonna cause any problems.
Sounds simple enough.
My new friends (you guys) here at RIU are the first and only people who know of my indeavors/intentions, so I'm pretty confident my secrets are safe.
When hydroponics first came out, they really caught a LOT of unwanted attention. The DEA had even brought up the notion that people should have to register in a database when purchasing hydro equipment/ supplies. So, I got turned off by the idea and never cared to learn much about it. Until now.
Ive grown outside for some time now, and think I'm starting to get the hang of it. So, now I want to move to the next level and grow indoors where I can grow year round.
You hit the nail on the head iNDoorGrowBro and lordjin- Loose Lips Sink Ships! Anonymity is the best defense!
to be extra safe you can always ship to a friends house or something if they already know about it that way they never know where your grow is