Does soilless dry quicker then soil?


Well-Known Member
If you want the mix to dry faster avoid mixes with vermiculite and add extra perlite. Most high porosity soiless mixes have a pretty good amount of perlite. So Promix HP is pretty good.


Well-Known Member
If you want the mix to dry faster avoid mixes with vermiculite and add extra perlite. Most high porosity soiless mixes have a pretty good amount of perlite. So Promix HP is pretty good.
yea i do NOT use anything with vermiculite that i know of cause i know it retains more moisture then perlite does and this is another reason i kinda don't add perlite because just the added cost. this is also why i invested in pot elevators. more air flow on the bottom of the pots/plants will dry them even faster


Well-Known Member
so after a little over a day i watered again 1gal fed em nutrients this time along with other supplements as well went 1/4th dosage on almost everything except bacteria which i will be cutting back on now but JFC they all took the 1gal with NO run off. this shit is fucking CRAZY! pro mix hp? naw this is fucking witch magic!


Well-Known Member
i think im going to cut everything down to 1/8th strength for now due to the plants size. feed silica once a week at half strength probably, voodoo juice once every 2 weeks. molasses once every 2 weeks, and up everything to 1/4th as the plants get bigger and stick to 1/4th for now if im feeding on a daily basis. if i see signs of defiencies then up to half. hopefully by doing so i don't over water the plants though shouldn't be an issue if they can grow into the pots at a faster rate then my previous grows.


Well-Known Member
Dont be afraid to really let em dry out in veg until slight drooping of the lower leaves, that's when the roots really shoot out looking for every last drop.


Well-Known Member
Dont be afraid to really let em dry out in veg until slight drooping of the lower leaves, that's when the roots really shoot out looking for every last drop.
i probably should tbh just wanted to see if they would even take up the water probably gonna wait off until sunday night to water again though or monday morning actually since im off on monday. it's cool watching this stuff dry all day kinda like watching paint dry but really interesting i figured it wouldn't even be this dry until tomorrow night. dont think i can water so often though until they get bigger before they get root rot. too excited is all.


Well-Known Member
Just under 2 days since using Pro Mix and AN line



Using AN line with my own feeding schedule/recipe mix to test pretty sure something will likely go wrong since i am currently not really PHing the mix due to the silicon being added regardless AN is PH perfect the silicon isn't. can't test PPM either waiting until plants get somewhat more dried out and i will be testing PH run off as well. possibly on Monday morning.

pretty much just feeding w.e. the fuck i feel like feeding taking into good judgement and what i've been reading on the supplements i am using with lack of experience as a grower so we gon see how this turns out
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Well-Known Member
Basically yes...

However if your only watering every 4 days in flower you have major issues in soil. If your not water every day or every other day tops your really not doing soil in the right size container imo...
Stupidest comment in this thread. Wow. I forgot, you’re the watering Genie.


Well-Known Member
Spelling test or not. If you go 4 days without needing water in flower. Something ain't right...but hey to each their own.