Does temperature really matter???


Active Member
How hot can it get and for how long? 95 degrees and high humidity okay? for an hour? for 12? for 3 days 12 hours at a time?

where's the point where plants start to give bad results? or worse start dying? like at 110 degrees is it a goner?


Well-Known Member
Mine's doing fine, and it's been over 100 for quite a few days now. Doesn't seem to hurt veg.


Well-Known Member
if the temps get to high your plant will stop growing and if the humidity stays too high you will be a target for mold and mildew. Is it inside or outside?

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
anything over 85 degrees is to much.. it will stunt your growth..u want your temps between 72-78 degrees for best results Humidity between 40-60 during veg and 40 during flowering.. but this is indoor growing.. if u cant get them temps at that level & humidity u might aswell grow outside and let mother nature take it's course... thats why we grow indoors to control our environment for our plants or else whats the point?


Well-Known Member
ya if your inside you might wanna invest in a ac and if your outside you might wanna get used to watering them alot...


Well-Known Member
i've grown indoors with high temps and got smaller yields but it wasn't a complete failure.


Active Member
If you aren't supplementing with CO2 you should try and keep your plants under 80 degrees. With CO2, you can jack that up to 86 degrees and the plants will thrive like nothing you have ever seen.. You can increase yield significantly with CO2 and high temps...


Active Member
I am having the same problem with my grow too. Plants can handle the heat its just like everyone else is the long run growth is stunted and yield definitely goes down. I might have to buy an AC unit for the room because my grow sits at like a constant 92, plants are doing just fine though. ;-)

Check it out maybe we could pick up a thing or two.........its in my sig down at the bottom there.

Good luck with that heat and happy growings!


Active Member
High heat, I believe, caused hermaphrodites in my last crop. Dropped the temp and grew the clones from the hermaphroditic plants with no problems.