Does The Government Have The Right to Claim Ownership of The Earth's Resources?

It doesn't depend, the answer is no.

You don't have the right to force anybody who is leaving you alone to interact with you if they prefer not to. You wouldn't defend a rapist would you?

Nor do you have the right to demand a person serve you against their will. You wouldn't defend slavery would you?
It does depend. I'm I trying to make a purchase at a business that is open to the public or is this a private business. You must have never been a business owner.
Slaves did not get paid for services rendered you idiot
It does depend. I'm I trying to make a purchase at a business that is open to the public or is this a private business. You must have never been a business owner.
Slaves did not get paid for services rendered you idiot

No, but slaves ARE forced to serve others against their will aren't they?
why are you trying to compare owning a store from which you make money and run voluntarily to slavery you dumb bitch?

I'm not trying to compare those two things.

I'm trying to compare forcing somebody to serve you with forcing somebody to serve you.
and no one is forcing anyone to open a business that's open to the public. Your argument is stupid as fuck

So you wouldn't force a black guy to "open a business", but WHEN he does, you'd force him to get permission first, pay money for the privilege of being granted the permission and possibly kill him if he declines to serve you ? Then you declare there is no force involved?

What happens to the person if he decides to do business with some people but won't pay for your permission and doesn't bother "opening a business" or "opening a private club" by filling out your magical government permission paperwork ? Do you leave him alone or do you set a course that if he continually refuses to obey and act as if he alone owned himself, you'd eventually kill him for his disobedience to your demand for money ?

Your argument is based in the idea that omnipresent government force doesn't count and that some people have the right to make other peoples choices for them, which means you don't believe in the equal right of self determination. I don't understand why you think a black guy should be forced to pay people money just to then be forced to serve people against his will.

Also,when declaring an argument is stupid as fuck, it helps to be able to prove the argument inaccurate, which you or Uncle Buck haven't done. If you yell at a truth, it just sits there. If you hit it, it just gets your arms tired.

So if you believe in "equal rights" how could any group of people have superior rights to an individual, if nobody within that group has superior rights over the individual ?
So you wouldn't force a black guy to "open a business", but WHEN he does, you'd force him to get permission first, pay money for the privilege of being granted the permission and possibly kill him if he declines to serve you ? Then you declare there is no force involved?

What happens to the person if he decides to do business with some people but won't pay for your permission and doesn't bother "opening a business" or "opening a private club" by filling out your magical government permission paperwork ? Do you leave him alone or do you set a course that if he continually refuses to obey and act as if he alone owned himself, you'd eventually kill him for his disobedience to your demand for money ?

Your argument is based in the idea that omnipresent government force doesn't count and that some people have the right to make other peoples choices for them, which means you don't believe in the equal right of self determination. I don't understand why you think a black guy should be forced to pay people money just to then be forced to serve people against his will.

Also,when declaring an argument is stupid as fuck, it helps to be able to prove the argument inaccurate, which you or Uncle Buck haven't done. If you yell at a truth, it just sits there. If you hit it, it just gets your arms tired.

So if you believe in "equal rights" how could any group of people have superior rights to an individual, if nobody within that group has superior rights over the individual ?
You've lost your racist libertarian argument more times than I can remember, pack your shit gtfo.
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most people are already slaves to this fiat currency system, which is why they have to go to work most days, earn a salary that is then taxed.

if close to half of your salary is taken away in non discretionary expenses such as taxes, are you still really free?
most people are already slaves to this fiat currency system, which is why they have to go to work most days, earn a salary that is then taxed.

if close to half of your salary is taken away in non discretionary expenses such as taxes, are you still really free?
Of course, as long as we're convinced to pay our fair share while huge corporations pay little to nothing. Of course lol