Does this basement window easily detach leaving only the screen?


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to figure out a good place to vent air cooled hoods and I have a window identical to this one in a perfect spot, it opens nicely exposing the screen I was thinking if I can easily pop off the window/door portion leaving just the rectangular hole I feel I could build something around 17x7" w/ a 6" round duct to feed my hot air out the screen, I can't really get my head up there enough to see how it works but wondering if these just pop off in some way, I can't find any other feasible options for venting the hot air besides cutting a 6" hole in the chimney about 15 feet away and installing a 6" aluminum duct in the brick which is also an option I've considered since it will all exit out the roof nice and high (chimney is not attached to a fireplace, it's only used to vent from the water heater as far as I can tell)

If I use the window the hot air will come out at ground level, if I cut into the chimney it'll just look like hot air venting from a chimney and probably not even be noticeable, hate to destroy the brick and screw up though so thinking window option is more reasonable. Sucks it's in an awkward spot where I can't really get up there to see what I'm doing.
I am worried that scent from the room will be pulled into the hoods regardless of how tightly I have them sealed (and with insulated ducting) causing a smell issue outside of the house though, I'll have a carbon filter hooked up to to the main room exhaust and maybe even a second one just scrubbing inside the room without exhausting but still feel that no matter how tight that's all sealed up the hoods/ducting will permeate some sort of smell and I'm not thrilled by that idea because I'm trying to keep it completely undetectable even if I have guests over, I wonder if I shouldn't exhaust it out of the house at all, maybe into a lung room and then expel hot air from there as I'm trying to avoid A/C but don't think that's probably going to work out too well especially if I have heat coming off a dehumidifier.
I guess this is actually called a glass block hopper vent or something, keep looking around and poking for instructions (can find them for sale easily) I have been feeling around with my fingers and it seems there are two phillips head screws on each hinge, I think I'll wait til I'm closer to assembly of everything and give that a try since I can't see what I'm doing, I might actually have better luck removing the screen and doing this from outside the house. I suppose the thread was unnecessary since I'm slowly working my way to a solution but just in case anyone else is wondering the same thing! :)

EDIT: And once again, I overlooked something I could probably use as a solution although maybe overkill is an inline carbon filter rather than one with only a single opening, I suppose that could alleviate my concerns about smell leaking through the hoods.
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