Does this look healthy?

Hello hello. New grower, and kinda posting around a little to make sure I get this in the right section.

I've got an autoflower under a pair of CFL's. It's young, but I was a little concerned with it's color. I was thinking it seemed like a nitrogen issue, but I didn't want to feed it anything without a second opinion. Or third, or as much help as I could get.

View attachment 1747993

Thanks for any help.


Active Member
A new sprout has about 2 weeks worth of it's own food and it's recommended not to feed but just keep them moist. After that ( depending on your soil as it may have nutes in it) a light feeding routine can begin. Usually 1/4 recommended manufacturers strength.
A new sprout has about 2 weeks worth of it's own food and it's recommended not to feed but just keep them moist. After that ( depending on your soil as it may have nutes in it) a light feeding routine can begin. Usually 1/4 recommended manufacturers strength.
Hm, very interesting! Kinda like an egg yolk I guess. Thanks a lot for your input guys, I appreciate it.


Active Member
does that soil have nutes in it? it wil burn your seedling up that young.but yes grumps right no nutes for a couple weeks
I believe so, yes Johnman. It seems to be a .10-.05-.05 mix if I'm reading/saying it right. It's Miracle Gro Organic Choice. Is that bad? v.v; I wish I knew about this forum before getting my materials...All I knew was to get some that was good for tomatoes, and didn't have actual Miracle Gro in it. Bleh.


Active Member
You will be fine using any MG product. The big reason peoe hate on it, is the soils pre ferted with time release nutes, and the water soluble ones need to be introduced in 1/4 of the manufacturers recommended dose.


Active Member
Man I get chatty after a rip. Deffinately read more tips from the new is stickies and wait for any advice I give though. I'm relatively new to growing as well with only 5 yrs experience. I'm sure ppl here have been going longer.