I have been researching and found a lot of information on outdoor guides but I seem to be leaning more towards greenhouses. I have found great plans to build them but also found fairly cheap ones on ebay nearly half the cost and not much labor involved. Here is one I have been looking at http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Hot-Warm-Green-House-12X7X7-Larger-Walk-In-Outdoor-Plant-Greenhouse-/171278978408?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27e105cd68
I know the saying you get what you pay for but for a small med garden in my backyard would this be alright or just a china made piece of ****. Also I like the green to keep prying eyes from seeing whats inside but that has to effect the amount of light that gets through but maybe not. Please any input would be great this is my first adventure outdoors.
I know the saying you get what you pay for but for a small med garden in my backyard would this be alright or just a china made piece of ****. Also I like the green to keep prying eyes from seeing whats inside but that has to effect the amount of light that gets through but maybe not. Please any input would be great this is my first adventure outdoors.