Does this look like its going hermie???


New Member
Hi everyone,
second indoor grow for us... First one we had a plant go hermie (possibly O.G) and pollinate the rest (Mostly blueberry) so we had to pull only 5 weeks into flower. We got a few good buds though. We are now doing a S.O.G and have just pulled 3 awful suspicious looking plants out again of the O.G variety (we think). Attached is a photo... What is everyones opinion? Does this look like its going hermie to you? Might I add... these ones are REALLY spindly compared to the others which are bushy. AND these are only 3 fingered leaves.



Well-Known Member
First let me debunk the "hermie" myth for you...there are very few "real hermies" out there...what you have is a bunch of newbies (no offense) stressing their plants to the point of self pollination, and not getting good advice as too why...well, I'll tell's because you guys are hearing that "you have to do this and you have to do that" so you try it all, and when it comes time to flower that poor girl don't know what to think, so she does what comes natural, she self's from over feeding/watering, under feeding/watering, changing their environment every other day, and then stressing it by putting it in flower to see if she lives through 8 more know I've done it...I'm cloning a Blue Rhino from my first grow, she "self pollenated" on me, I blamed it on a "hermie"...I'm still growing that strain and she hasn't "hermied/self pollenated" on me since I learned to read my plants and not mess with them so much...remember, LESS IS REALLY took me awhile to learn it...good luck...


Well-Known Member
I do not see any signs of gender
Dr. Jekyll

yup, hermie for sure
Mr. Hyde
Come on Dr J., after the nice speech I gave on "hermies" you're going to tell them it's a hermie "for sure"...Me thinks you need to re-evaluate your diagnosis...because, THERE IS JUST NOT THAT MANY HERMIES IN THIS WORLD for every newbie to have suggestion is you people stop listening to inexperienced growers and their idiotic opinions of how your plant hermied...take those beans from that hermie...CUZ THEY'RE NOT HERMIES...and plant them, they are feminized beans now AND DON'T STRESS YOUR FUCKING PLANTS :cuss:

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
Come on Dr J., after the nice speech I gave on "hermies" you're going to tell them it's a hermie "for sure"...Me thinks you need to re-evaluate your diagnosis...because, THERE IS JUST NOT THAT MANY HERMIES IN THIS WORLD for every newbie to have suggestion is you people stop listening to inexperienced growers and their idiotic opinions of how your plant hermied...take those beans from that hermie...CUZ THEY'RE NOT HERMIES...and plant them, they are feminized beans now AND DON'T STRESS YOUR FUCKING PLANTS :cuss:

I believe I said "I do not see any signs of gender" which I still hold true to.
Dr. Jekyll

It is clearly hermie, how can you think different?
Mr. Hyde


Well-Known Member

I believe I said "I do not see any signs of gender" which I still hold true to.
Dr. Jekyll

It is clearly hermie, how can you think different?
Mr. Hyde
hahaha...well we would need a magnifying glass for the pic to tell for sure...and I need an alter ego so when I sound like I'm ragin' I can blame it on my alter ego...or I could just say, I live with 2 beautiful women that just happen to BE ON THE RAG, and they're FUCKING DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!!

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Come on Dr J., after the nice speech I gave on "hermies" you're going to tell them it's a hermie "for sure"...Me thinks you need to re-evaluate your diagnosis...because, THERE IS JUST NOT THAT MANY HERMIES IN THIS WORLD for every newbie to have suggestion is you people stop listening to inexperienced growers and their idiotic opinions of how your plant hermied...take those beans from that hermie...CUZ THEY'RE NOT HERMIES...and plant them, they are feminized beans now AND DON'T STRESS YOUR FUCKING PLANTS :cuss:
So is the only reason people say not to use beans from plants that self pollinate is because they supposedly bear the tainted herm gene? Cuz I see people saying all the time "Use the nanners that females grow to pollinate other females for feminized seeds, but don't grow any seeds from a plant that pollinates its self" and it has never rung true to me since the plant would be a parent either way and things like stress shouldn't be passed genetically, just like if your hair goes gray from stress it doesn't mean your kids will be born with gray hair.


Well-Known Member
First let me debunk the "hermie" myth for you...there are very few "real hermies" out there...what you have is a bunch of newbies (no offense) stressing their plants to the point of self pollination, and not getting good advice as too why...well, I'll tell's because you guys are hearing that "you have to do this and you have to do that" so you try it all, and when it comes time to flower that poor girl don't know what to think, so she does what comes natural, she self's from over feeding/watering, under feeding/watering, changing their environment every other day, and then stressing it by putting it in flower to see if she lives through 8 more know I've done it...I'm cloning a Blue Rhino from my first grow, she "self pollenated" on me, I blamed it on a "hermie"...I'm still growing that strain and she hasn't "hermied/self pollenated" on me since I learned to read my plants and not mess with them so much...remember, LESS IS REALLY took me awhile to learn it...good luck...
So what's the difference between HERMAPHRODITISM and SELF POLLINATION ???
I thought that plant turned because of stress - and self pollinated


Well-Known Member
It looks like you just started 12/12 about 1 1/2 weeks ago is what it looks like. Some people seem rude because they don't want to explain the whole life cycle of the plant in a post. This is a place for a bunch of PASSIONATE people, and they don't understand the reluctance to take advantage of the plethera of educational material on this site. Patience is a virtue that will serve you well with your plants. Read while you wait and compare to the metric f-ton of photos on the site.

There is no quick way or quick answers especially when your photo was taken via satellite. Sorry - that :;was for Mr.

The short answer is no - your plant doesn't look hermie. But how would you explain a hermie (in the TRUE sense) to a child using a photo of a leg when the child doesn't know what a penis or vagina looks like? This is why some people are laughing as they read your post - not because we are mean, but it is like the innocent child asking about a Dirty Sanchez) Honestly am not trying to sound rude, but look around at some of the "porn". It will help you a lot.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
Monoecious plants which bear male and female flowers at different locations on the same plant are often referred to as "hermaphrodites, but “true hermaphrodites” bear staminate and pistillate structures on individual flowers, which is less common
Dr. Jekyll

Plants that have been stressed to become "hermie" don't have the gene or trait to pass, only a true hermaphrodites can pass the trait
Mr. Hyde


First let me debunk the "hermie" myth for you...there are very few "real hermies" out there...what you have is a bunch of newbies (no offense) stressing their plants to the point of self pollination, and not getting good advice as too why...well, I'll tell's because you guys are hearing that "you have to do this and you have to do that" so you try it all, and when it comes time to flower that poor girl don't know what to think, so she does what comes natural, she self's from over feeding/watering, under feeding/watering, changing their environment every other day, and then stressing it by putting it in flower to see if she lives through 8 more know I've done it...I'm cloning a Blue Rhino from my first grow, she "self pollenated" on me, I blamed it on a "hermie"...I'm still growing that strain and she hasn't "hermied/self pollenated" on me since I learned to read my plants and not mess with them so much...remember, LESS IS REALLY took me awhile to learn it...good luck...
I will tend to a newbie. I know I stressed my one I think I see seeds.It is not because of hermie issues .it is because I moved it to water,and light leaked in 2 I wish hermie...but your right it is us....newbies.


Well-Known Member
So is the only reason people say not to use beans from plants that self pollinate is because they supposedly bear the tainted herm gene? Cuz I see people saying all the time "Use the nanners that females grow to pollinate other females for feminized seeds, but don't grow any seeds from a plant that pollinates its self" and it has never rung true to me since the plant would be a parent either way and things like stress shouldn't be passed genetically, just like if your hair goes gray from stress it doesn't mean your kids will be born with gray hair.
Well what happens is when you stress the plant it "self pollenates" and people want to say it's a "hermie" no no people do this on purpose with "colloidal silver" it stresses a perfectly healthy plant into "self pollenating" it self...this in turn creates "nanners" on the female, and yes you can take some of that pollen and cross pollenate another strain...this is how breeders do it...I do it by putting a female into flower for 2-3 weeks and then put it back into veg for a week, and then back into flower and she self pollenates and I grow that plant by it self and collect the beans...good luck and I hope this explains a little about the "myth" of hermies...


Well-Known Member
So what's the difference between HERMAPHRODITISM and SELF POLLINATION ???
I thought that plant turned because of stress - and self pollinated
The difference is after you know you're doing everything right, and it still shoots nanners...Let me start by saying I just started growing MJ a year ago, but, I grow much more than just weed here on my 10 acres...I just happen to have a very green thumb :bigjoint:...we all know that a healthy plant will fight it's own battles against bugs, mold, and disease, but a healthy plant "will not" shoot nanners unless it's a true hermaphrodite, and like I said you have more of a chance at winning the powerball than you do getting a hermie...but it is very easy to stress a plant that's healthy as I said in my last post about putting my girl into flower for 2-3 weeks and then putting it back into veg for a week and then back into flower to finish making my feminized beans :-P because I stressed her into self pollenating by doing that...


Well-Known Member
I will tend to a newbie. I know I stressed my one I think I see seeds.It is not because of hermie issues .it is because I moved it to water,and light leaked in 2 I wish hermie...but your right it is us....newbies.
Hey as a noob I did it too...but I've come along way since then :bigjoint:............


Well-Known Member
we all know that a healthy plant will fight it's own battles against bugs, mold, and disease, but a healthy plant "will not" shoot nanners unless it's a true hermaphrodite, and like I said you have more of a chance at winning the powerball than you do getting a hermie...but it is very easy to stress a plant that's healthy as I said in my last post about putting my girl into flower for 2-3 weeks and then putting it back into veg for a week and then back into flower to finish making my feminized beans :-P because I stressed her into self pollenating by doing that...
I started buying fem seeds online about 15 years ago when it was a very risky proposition. Over these 15 years I have never had had even one single "hermie". I've had plenty of "light leaks" but with no adverse effects. The whole "Hermie" thing is overblown and over exaggerated.

Just another excuse why a person cannot grow a simple plant.

Rink's on line with this, listen up.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Trainwreck would be an example of a strain carrying genetic hermaphroditism, correct? I believe I read that in the cannabible a while back