Does this look like nitrogen or cal/mag deficiency?


I've been feeding my plants quarter doses of the Fox Farm Trio & Cal Mag. Would upping the portions to 1/2 most likely fix this?

Grow Specs Below:

Seedsman Jack Herer Fem
Day 16 of Flower
Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil
5g fabric pots
3x5 tent
Electric Sky 300 v3 (20 inches away at LVL 10)
Ph going into medium 6.2-6.5
Fox Farm Trio Nutes & Cal Mag at 1/4 the recommended dose.
Feeding 1 Tablespoon of Molasses per gallon every other feeding, opposite nutes.

P.S. Thanks to you guys my first grow is going amazing. Even though this is the first deficiency I'm seeing the flowers are looking amazing!



Well-Known Member
Next feed water to runoff and a lot. So lift the plant so it can drip into a tray. Or put it in the sink bathtub.this will reset everything no worries of over water. I didn’t have luck with molasses it just yellowed my plants so I don’t use it anymore.

edit. Water to runoff with your food and calmag 700 is a little high. But not bad