Does this look like Potassium deficiency?

You mentioned Cal/Mag should I be feeding that as well since hp has no nutrients?

CalMag is not critical at this stage with HP. I has two types of lime in in that will supply plenty plus there is some in the nutes too. I use RO water so do use about 1/4 the recommended amounts. I add a little Epsom salts as I go along too.

It's something to do with the buffers in it or some shit. I've seen AN videos and their pH meters seem to read it OK but tho my pen would read fine in everything else it jumped around when trying to read the new tub I was setting up. So I just never bothered testing it again and never had pH problems. Such a time saver! :)

I’m using GMB ph perfect the 3 part phs it self but as soon as you add AN additives like budfactorx and overdrive and nirvana, Sensizym and the rest of they’re line up I’ve notice the ph spikes to 7.2 and even higher . But the 3 part alone is always on the money. Maybe theres a specific order your supposed to add the additives at? New grower learning to grow still but that’s what I’ve noticed .
I’m using GMB ph perfect the 3 part phs it self but as soon as you add AN additives like budfactorx and overdrive and nirvana, Sensizym and the rest of they’re line up I’ve notice the ph spikes to 7.2 and even higher . But the 3 part alone is always on the money. Maybe theres a specific order your supposed to add the additives at? New grower learning to grow still but that’s what I’ve noticed .

I always add the nutes first then any additives. I still never test the pH and one thing I've noticed that if you add pH Up or Down it screws up the pH Perfect part so RO water and don't even bother testing pH. Haven't had any pH issues in years. Even when using Rhino Skin the pH goes up to about 8.5 then I still just add the nutes and water the plants. The Rhino is made to work with the rest of the nutes and I just trust the technology.

The only AN additives I use is Big Bud and the Rhino Skin. I've tried a bunch of the other things over the years, (20), and don't think they do shit but empty your wallet. I'm using REMO CalMag and Epsom salts too. I've never used AN CalMag.
