Does This Need Feeding??


Well-Known Member
I am growing nirvanas northern lights and it has been going for 3 weeks and 3 days now. I have it in biobizz all mix so I thought I wouldn't need to give any nutes until flowering. However the two bottom leaves have gone kind of yellowish and one has a brown spot on. The rest of the leaves are all green but some are curled up at the edges. Does this mean I need to feed it? I am using bio grow for nutes when I do need to feed.

Any help would be great! ;)



not enough info...wht u got them planted in...wht kind of lights...what kind of reading


Active Member
they should not need feeding if you put them in bigger pots say 1gallon they should be fine till flowering, but in little pots they will need to be fed eventually but only use dilute nutes at first never more than EC 0.8 on soil.

Well-Known Member
I fed my plants 10-6-9 (chemicals not organic, Miracle Grow too)
They were this big:

(about 3 inches tall)

1.5 weeks later they look like this. (I feed them every week, now I feed em 21-7-14, every 4 days) (dont forget these are all chemicals)


(the first pic, that day I replanted them into a 1.5 gallon container)

They are now in 12/12 and im waiting for there first signs of pre-flowers.

the plant is picture 2 is 1 foot wide, by 10 inches tall.

She/he is now in miracle grow potting soil 21-7-14. And i feed on a 3 day schedule. :)


Well-Known Member
So should i re pot now? I was going to repot when i was going to flower. Thanks for the advice btw!

Well-Known Member
Depends how big the pot is. You should generally repot about 3 days after the plant is the same size as the pot. (the 3 days is to allow the roots to grow in more, you can technically re-pot when the plant is the same size but I like to wait an extra 3)

It looks healthy, and I can see it needs more light, which is why the plant grew up so much, 3 of my plants grew about 1 inch out of the soil, and the other 2 that were in a window sill grew about 3-4 inches. After I put them under CFL's they stopped growing in height and got bushy. If you are using CFL's you should keep them 2-3 inches away always!

What soil are you using? Organics, chemicals? Brand?

Forgot to answer the question. If the plant is the same size and pot. You re-pot.


Well-Known Member
I Am using biobizz all mix soil which has nutes which last 4-8 weeks. For nutes i have bio grow and bio bloom but i wasn't going to use them until flowering. What would be a good pot size to go to?:D

Well-Known Member
if the soil has nutes, then your pretty much good till flowering, but your plant will grow faster if you feed it regularly. The ppm of my soil is on the lower site, and the nutes I give it are around 1680-1880.

BIO-BIZZ IS SHIT! It killed a few of my homies plants. You'd be better off with Miracle grow lol. Or look at this link and pick from there top soils.


Well-Known Member
Well so far so good with my biobizz!! I just want to know wether to re pot now into its flowering pot and and carry on vegging until ready, or stay in the same pot. It has been in this pot for 3 weeks and 4 days now!