does this plant look normal?


Well-Known Member
I want it to be at least 4'
Why? Height has nothing to do with anything except less light getting down to the bottom. Taller is NOT better.
You still have a lot to learn.
Get rid of those crappy nutrients, not worth using. You would be better off going with miracle gro.
Never use the time-released, or the slow releasing nutrients. How can you tell when it is releasing nutrients? You cannot. So one day you arent getting enough nutrients, next day you are getting way too much nutrients, and there is no way to balance them.

You want veg nutrients this early. That means you want a higher percentage of nitrogen. Miracle gro general is 24-8-16.


Well-Known Member
if you don't have a temp/ humidity gauge, like this A2292-A.jpgwhere you can hang the probe at the top of the canopy (near the tops of the plant) maybe invest in one they are cheap,but for the time being you can place your hand near the top of the plant and if it feels hot to you after 30 seconds or so, then raise the light until suitable. A fan blowing at canopy level helps with temps and strengthens the plant.


Well-Known Member
I have read miracle gro is really bad for growing MJ
Well, yes and no.

Miracle gro soil has time-released nutrients. Exactly what I was warning you against. You can't measure the amount being released. Sometimes you are flooded with nutrients, sometimes you don't have enough.

Miracle Gro nutrients is a different matter. While I am sure there are better nutrients to use, Miracle Gro works just fine.

If you have access to nutrients like Fox Farm, General Organics, Dynagro, etc.. well you might consider one of those. If not, Miracle Gro All-Purpose for veg, Miracle Gro Bloom Booster for flower.


Well-Known Member
Where did you get this seed? If it is some 'bag seed' or regular seed and therefore could be a male, I recommend buying a couple of feminised seeds. You can keep this one going but if it does happen to be a boy, then you will have the fems already started. But I don't know how serious you are about this.
Where did you get this seed? If it is some 'bag seed' or regular seed and therefore could be a male, I recommend buying a couple of feminised seeds. You can keep this one going but if it does happen to be a boy, then you will have the fems already started. But I don't know how serious you are about this.
its just some seed I had from my bf stuff that smoked real smooth if it is a boy we will terminate it and start over...I would be really disappointed if it turns out to be a boy but I have some back ups if it is male


Active Member
why not, quit wasting your time go out buy some real soil (FFOF,Roots Organic, pro mix) and get some real nutrients.. with a real pot or solo cup (red plastics cups case you dont know.. [video=youtube;BKZqGJONH68][/video] and do some research on here.. i mean there is 1xxxxx threads on 1xxxxx diff ways to grow.. it does not take a scientist to grow some MJ... JUST SAYING...


Active Member
No heat felt. Back in business. How do I know to switch from 24 to 12/12...or do u gradually do this as far lighting
I like to switch about 12-15 days after I see sex, usually anywhere from 10"-20"
+- and IMO Leave MH lights ( if apply ) during this period of the change over , it helps with vigorous growth before you put in the HPS


Active Member
What kind of lights are you using for your grow?
Never used CFL's personally so i cant speak on it, I have only used metal halide and High pressure sodium for my grows.