Does This Plant Look Overwatered?

This is one of 8 that I'm growing under a 1000w hps. It's an autoflower strain, Lowryder ak47 x blueberry. The other plants seem fine (all different strains), but the leaves on this one look a little saggy. Also, the leaves don't seem as symmetrical as the other ones. This is my first grow, so I'm still learning.

Generally whenever the top inch of the soil gets dry. For the first few weeks it was usually 2 days between, recently it's been at least every other day. I watered wednesday with nutes, friday with no nutes, then saturday with nutes. I haven't watered them today, just sprayed them down a couple times with regular water.


Well-Known Member
This is one of 8 that I'm growing under a 1000w hps. It's an autoflower strain, Lowryder ak47 x blueberry. The other plants seem fine (all different strains), but the leaves on this one look a little saggy. Also, the leaves don't seem as symmetrical as the other ones. This is my first grow, so I'm still learning.

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Well, it definitely looks like you're overwatering.

You want to water again when the soil is dry, which you can tell when teh pots are lighter.

just feeling the top of the soil isn't going to give you a good idea about what the soil moisture is like. you're only feeling the top of the soil, which dries out quickly. the rest of the soil might be very wet, and you might not know it.

It might also be a matter of the strain since you talked about having different ones. Sometimes there's a crap one in the bunch.

good luck!