Does this SCC Ruling mean I can LEGALLY buy concentrates from a Dispensary?


Well-Known Member
I've never had anything but face to face doctor consults by a licensed doctor. My medical marijuana document he gave me is my federal exemption. No cc cards or Skype appointment here. You're the one who has the cc membership cards and is not covered by a federal exemption.
No need to take it personally, I was just making a statement, not directed at you. But you just reminded me what an a-hole you are. Have a nice day...



Well-Known Member
I'm a criminal remember. I don't need no stinking exemption. I smoke to get high.

Your family doctor? Or a clinic doctor. Your fooling yourself if you think your federally exempt. Only the federal government can grant you that, not your doctor, he only recommends cannabis as a treatment. You can have your day in court and probably win, but your still not a federal exemptee, only they are truly legal to posses an illegal product.

My medical document is accepted by the city police, RCMP, all lp's and cc's will take anyone so.... But yeah I'm not legal. Btw I have documents from both now! Family doc and my old document from the local clinic doc. But no I'm not legal at all. And no you're totally wrong all medical marijuana patients in Canada with valid medical documents are legally allowed to make, possess and use marijuana concentrates now. Doesn't matter if your section 56 mmar or mmpr.