Does this sound do-able?


Well-Known Member
Hi All, Nothing much to say my plants do nothing but vegitate all day, I feed them. Here is an update, I'm using 5 gallons of water every 2 days. Thanks to all.
very nice. that's a lot of water. I have 10, about 5 inches tall now, about a gallon of water every 2 or 3 days. I too would love to sit and vegetate all day :-)


Active Member
Afternoon all,
Today my plants have been Vegging for 35 days, they range in height from 3 to 4 feet, I need that A/C to pump air or I'll have a problem. Today I set it to 12/12, when the lights go off the HPS goes in. I was advised to stay with the vegging nutrients for 10 days before going to the flower nutrients. If anyone sees any problems please point them out. I'll post some pics and again thanks to all.




Active Member
Hi all,
I have a nice problem here, I put these guys into flowering so far I'm positive I have 6 Fems maybe 7. That means I have to watch one guy that I think is going to be male. For me 6 out of 8 is more than I expected. My plants are from 3 to 5 feet and I want to top them to keep them even so I can do a SCROG. Do I just get a hack saw and cut off the main cola? Those branches are thick, how about someone helping me out here.




Well-Known Member
im really not the scrog man, but i am running a seed, sea of green with LST. ive always liked LST (tie it down) over topping my plants. less over all stress to the plant. but everyone does have their own ways of doing things.:bigjoint:


Active Member
Today I avoided a disaster, I awoke to find my reservoir almost empty and a mess on the floor. I first thought it was a bad auto valve but it turned out to be a cracked ¼ tubing thanks to the CRAP plastic splitters you get. I ran to Home Depot, got what I needed to fix the fucker and managed to fix it. I broke a shit load of branches but I managed on this one. For whatever it’s worth I’m almost positive I have 7 Fems and one male. The male hasn’t shown his balls but he’s nothing like the others. I’m wondering if I should pull him or wait? The First Pic is a close-up of my MALE, let me know if anyone doesn't agree




Active Member
Afternoon all,
I pulled my male plant, I'm planning to do a SCROG, my plants are now in training. I've pinched a lot of tops over. In a few days I will be able to look these guys in the eyes. I'm thinking 6 feet is workable. My plants have been in flowering for 1 week. It looks like I have 6 bubblegum and one Bigbud of which only 1 plant is lagging behind.




Active Member
Afternoon to all,
My plants just fininshed their first week under HPS and 12/12 cycle. I guess I could call it Pre-training, I know I'm in for a fight. It's amazing to me that I have 7 Fems out of 8 (I started with un-feminized seed). Today I put up my SCROG screen, the only thing I can say positive about what I used is that it's very light and easy to work with. I would have broken a whole lot of plants if I would have used real chicken wire. It's been a week into Flowering and I'm expecting to see some buds soon. I'm hoping to have this done by Xmass? If anyone sees or thinks I'm making a mistake please bring it to my attention. I think it's do-able.




Active Member
Hi All,
I'm just trying to keep up to date, my plants have been under 12/12 for a week. Yesterday I changed the fluids and forgot to turn the turn the feeding valve back to it's open position. I realized it after about 6 hours but I don't think it will affect the plants. I have no idea what to expect as far as dry weight, if anyone has any idea I would appreaciate it. I'm attaching my BUD shots, I'm not to good at using this close up feature so give me a break.




Active Member
Morning all,
I've learned a good lesson, it turns out I had to pull 3 more plants out of my garden due to male flowers. I really should have a mother and take cuttings but I can't seem to get a cutting to develope roots plus I have another 50 or so high quality seeds from Ampsterdam. So now I'm dealing with 4 bubble gum Fems. I have no idea what to expect as far as dry weight, I don't expect the seed company estimate, if anyone has any idea please let me know.




Active Member
Morning all,
Hoping you all have a fine weekend, here is my post for today. I'm still bummed out over having to pull my biggest plants. Yesterday I drove over 100 miles to get some Clonex, I need a mother plant for better control. I took two cuttings and and lets see what happens.

I have no idea what to expect out of this, I'm trying to get as many buds as I can so I'm using a SCROG screen and I have plants poping thru, I just spread em out, check it out. If anyone knows what I can expect from this please let me know. I realize it all depends on many factors.



Active Member
Hi all,
I was a little busy and posting every day is a bit to much. I have a bunch of Gals in training. I've been misting them every day with a light solution and keeping everything within the limits. It looks like if I don't screw up I'll have something in a few weeks. These plants are close to 21 days into flowering. I don't think this grow would have been possible without the A/C and water cooler. Check out my buds and I tried to clone but I'll never see the roots, I included a pic, it's been going for a week and looks alive. This was just a thought in Feb and now I can see an end in sight. Thanks to all. Any and all suggestions are welcome.




Active Member
My plants seem to coming along, I mist them in the morning and keep everything within limits. I hope my clone takes and grows so I can have a Mother, I give it HPS for 12 hours and CFL at night and feed it a light solution.



Active Member
Morning all,
I can't believe that this is coming to an end. I guess I proved something to myself and my wife who knows everything. She wants me to stop my grow because she concedes that I could do it. A few months ago she told me "talk is cheap, results are what count". Now she says it's a weed, it will grow under almost any conditions. Boy am I lucky to be married to a Know it all bitch. A little of topic venting.
My Gals have been in flowering for 28 days, I have a 30 times magnification loop so I'll know when it's time to harvest. Today I cut off a bud to get an idea of what I'm going to have. I know it's hard to see under the screen but I have some nice tight buds.
I've had this cutting going for two weeks, I just transplanted It has roots and I'm hoping it can be a mother, I want another shot at this, I know I can do a better job. Plus it's a great hobby.



Well-Known Member
wouldn't bother testing at 28 days bro!! they have a long way to go!! looking sweet tho


Active Member
Morning all, Today the heat and humidity returned after a good 10 day break. The only good part is that the A/C makes a lot of clean water and it saves me $1.00 a gallon. It's just starting it's 5th week in flowering and I guess it's going to come to end soon. Here are a few pics worth posting. I'm happy to say my clones took so I'm hoping to have a mother plant. I've been running to stores looking for a box to punch holes in, line with mylar put in a few CLS's. I've considered TV stands, bookcase, furniture or whatever to use as Grow-box I can't find anything in local stores. Any ideas please, I'm all ears.



Active Member
MOrning all,
I just wanted to post some shots of the 85w CFL's I acquired, big suckers. As far as the grow is going. I'm at day 30 of flowering. The weather cooled down and I think I'll have a few grams when I'm done.

